When I first saw this headline I thought oh gosh!...Maybe it was perhaps a foreign missle or rocket or maybe even a Flying Saucer that brought down the the shuttle...but here is what the GOVERNMENT wants to hand us!...
HOUSTON -- Investigators say they've identified a mysterious object an Air Force radar spotted near shuttle Columbia.
They say the object is a fragment of the shuttle's wing that was picked up by radars after Columbia's launch.
The Columbia Accident Investigation Board says weeks of testing have matched the object's radar "signature" and ballistics to something known as a T-seal.
A T-seal is a critical component of the leading edge of a space shuttle's wing. Board members say if a T-seal came loose, it could allow destructive hot gases inside the shuttle's wing during the landing process.
Officials say it's possible a T-seal was damaged when the wing, already weakened by age, was hit by a chunk of foam insulation from Columbia's fuel tank.
Meanwhile, investigators have also found that the insulation covering Columbia's "sister" fuel tank was riddled with defects.
Seven astronauts died when Columbia broke apart Feb. 1.
NOTE:Don`t you think it is alittle odd that they suddenly brought this up again???? Thousands of People saw that OBJECT...so now this should silence anyone who might want to lean towards that UFO theory.
KiKi How it changed my life:This could have gone in the UFO section...or In the News...but I decided to put this in Mysterious because of the Title!...brought me to a reality check...Just how we can be easily persueded from thinking BEYOND the logical. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15157 ( Click here )
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