Ah yes, i have always wondered why so many people think that being number one is so important. People that want to be number one just want to be popular. Popularity is evil. I mean look at me, I am cool and I am totally unpopular, In fact i am what you would call a Nerd. But i embrace my uniqueness and never stop to wonder what the cool thing to do is. The world would be a better place if everyone would love and nurture their inner Paul Fifer. The world would be a better place If everyone would let their inner Millhouse hang out. I can see how it may be hard for some people to let go of the social status they have worked so hard to gain, but believe me, once you have experianced your inner nerd you will never want to let him or her go. I,Sarajoy, have decided to help people try and find their inner nerd, And yes, all the rumors you heard are true, nerds do have more fun. Here are Three things you can try. I know they are things that make people call me a nerd...so maybe they will work for you all.
1. Read a good book. Let the fantasy take you, if you dont know what books to read i can recomend a few. There are always the classic books like The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings trilogy (tolken). If you are not into the who elf gnome oh no he doesnt realize he is the king thing, there is always Books like The Mist Of Avalon. (Marion Zimmerman) This book is about King auther but it deals alot with magic. Its a really good story and i really really wish that anyone reading this would check it out some time. Now ladies and gentlemen my favorites...The Dragonlance Trilogy! (insert applause here) Sadly i am such a Nerd that i sometimes wish that Raistlin and Kitara and Caramon were my brothers and sister. Ahhhh only in my dreams.
2.Try to play dungoens and Dragons. One of the main keys of being a nerd is having and active imagination. I know this maybe be an extreme step for those of you that are Anti-Nerds...But try it some time, And if you dotn wish to dothat...and least play pretend with your little brother or sister.
3.All nerds sit and talk about philosophy. My favorite one just so happens to be "What is light bulbs really dont give off light...but suck in darkness only leaving the light....So the bigger Bulb you have...the more darkness that is sucked up leaving the room with more light..." It's great just play around with ideas...see where they go.
Well i may add more later but for now, this is Sarajoy, the super nerd, signing off. over and out. live long and prosper. May the force be with you and good night. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 20725 ( Click here )
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