This happened when I was very young,but I still remember it quite vividly,and I'm 31 now. My Mom and her side of the family had made plans for the beach that day. All I remember is seeing my Mom and her younger brothers out play-fighting in the water. She was screaming(just play screams)and I didn't realize that she was only playing,being so young,so I started running out to save her.(I was up on the dry sand with my aunt and grandmother) Anyway,I'm running into the water to save my Mother, and all of the sudden, the next thing I know, I'm in the water. I dropped off of the undertoe,& went straight down. It probably wasn't that deep for an adult,but I couldn't touch the bottom. I remember being under water,trying to scream,and trying to grab at the sand from the edge of the undertoe,but the sand just kept coming off in my hands. Then,I started to see all these pictures of things. I later found out they were things from my future. I saw my dogs,my friends,my house,and all these other things that,at the time,I didn't know what they were, and I was more concerned with getting out than trying to figure out what I was seeing,since I was only 3 and had not learned to swim yet. Then, all of the sudden,I felt myself being thrusted up out of the water. It was my uncle. I was crying and my brain was all tweaked out from what just happened,and all I can remember is everybody laughing and thinking it was totally funny,and my mom yelling at me for going into the water. I still don't know exactly if I was seeing "my life flash before my eyes" or not, but whenever I hear somebody say that,it reminds me of that experience. How it changed my life:Well,I don't like the beach all that much. Don't know if it has something to do with this or not. lol You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35455 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .