USM some people know me as IceDaKlown on AIM...well this is kinda a rip off of Behind The Music.So i do hope you enjoy and i will add a break in between some points.
Now IC and FR productions bring you:Behind The Mask:Girls Luv Life Hate Juggalos and Partys.
It all started on a warm summer morning in the town of Claremont New Hampshire.Cavemans parents waiting anxiously.Finally at 2:00 am he was born.Having no troubles breathing they enw he was healthy.But when they cleaned him off he had a little deformity in the upper lip.He had a Cleft and that was the start of a whole lot of surgeries.They were in the hospital for a week before they finally took him home and when he got there it all went downhill.
When we come back we will tell you all the things that caused his problems.
Welcome back to Behind The Mask.
"The problems were all caused by my surgeries"Caveman said now at the age of 13."All of them made my life a living [heck,]I was always in the hospital month after month and when they finally stopped for a year i was happy.Growing up he played well with others and got along well sometimes.He did have fights at skool three times but that was it.In first thru 4th he was having good times going camping with his cuzin VampyreGerbil.As he grew so did his ego.
We will be right back.
Welcome back to Behind The Mask.
When he went to 5th grade he knew it was goin to be bad.With all the surgeries he was going to have he knew there was not going to be alot of skool."I thought or actually knew 5th was gonna suck becuz homework mean teachers and still i am gettin picked on for no reason.""People were always hatin on me and didnt except the fact i was diffrent.""I always wanted a friend but no one wanted my friendship because of my face but ya know hut i just chilled and let it slide after a while."He says this all for one reason,he knows it was tru but he wont except bein diffrent until now.
In 6th grade people were even worse..he went to his only resource...VampyreGerbil."He really helped me thru life so far and for all that i thank him."He says regeting that his parents taught him stuff."Vampyre really helped me into music,he got me into ICP and then later on TWIZTID.I was transformed into a juggalo a few days latr."
Thank you for reading part 1 of 2 of Behind The Mask...more to come soon.
Behind The Mask was made possible by:FireRain,My angel and Lover and co-boss of FR and IC rpoductions,IcedCaveman,writer and co boss.and USM for lettin me do my real story.
I hope you all enjoyed!MJL TO MY LO's AND LETTES!
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