Okay believe it or not I am an director for AWANAS. Awanas is from Second Timothy and it stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. It is similar to boy scouts and girl scouts but not exactally. It is a club they wear a uniform, we teach them respect (for themesleves, others, and their teachers/parents, etc.), they also learn Bible verses. I have 3rd and 4th grade girls. Now here is my problem. They lie! Mostly it's just one or two of them. And I have gotten one girl to pretty much stop it. But I have one in particular that I don't knwo what to do with. Her mom is literally a dope addict, she was caught last summer with a Meth lab in her house and her parents bougth her way out of it. Anyway her family life isn't what it should be. The little girl never comes with her uniform and I mean NEVER she is on her third book of the year because she "lost" hers. Okay now I have to record what sections they have completed on their info sheet. She has not been to our meetings since I started filling out the forms. So technically I don't know where she is but she says she is in section 4 and I KNOW she isn't she has to be at least at the beginning of 3 if not 2. Well I wasn't at the meeting this past week because I had to work. My mom took over my position and helped my helper (hope I didn't loose you there) and was telling me that this little girl pulled the wool over my helpers eyes. Well - what do I do? I have spoken to the girls about lying and told them point blank that they shouldn't lie and God doesn't like it etc. I realize I have to take her word for it cause I can't prove otherwise but I am so mad and disappointed. Does anyone have any suggestions/experience?! Thanks! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 11721 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .