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The true Article about the War

  Author:  61941  Category:(News) Created:(4/7/2003 5:51:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1205 times)

This weekend's combined-arms drive- by shooting in downtown Baghdad demonstrated what's been clear almost from the outset:

The war is won.

This phase of the war, that is.

There may be fierce fighting ahead.

The danger to Coalition troops from isolated terror attacks is real.

And the mop-up may take some time.

But as a conventional military proposition, the war to dispossess Saddam Hussein has been stunningly successful.

Yesterday, U.S. aircraft were landing at Baghdad International Airport.

The city itself was surrounded, with all its major routes controlled by U.S. soldiers and Marines.

Southern Iraq was under the control of U.S. and British troops - everything worth controlling, that is.

In the north, Kurdish fighters and Coalition special operations forces have established firm control.

Ask not for whom the clock ticks, Saddam - it ticks for . . . well, that's clear enough.

Certainly, there are lessons to be learned from the war to date.

The most important is this: George W. Bush means what he says.

Saddam Hussein was given any number of opportunities to resolve the current crisis peaceably.

He could have disarmed.

He refused.

Thus his regime represented a clear and present danger to America's security. Just how big a danger will become clear as U.S. intelligence officers sift through the remains of the Saddam regime.

But this war has been about more than Saddam.

There were many legitimate reasons for ousting him; among them was this: to make a lesson of him.

In order to ensure America's safety from terrorists and other enemies, Washington had to assert itself in a region that has been increasingly hostile to America.

Washington did just that.

Indeed, what has occurred- indeed, what continues to occur - is a projection of military and political power on a scale unprecedented in human history.

Those who think the lesson has been lost on the perfidious princelings inhabiting the region are probably wrong.

And it is with that in mind that Washington must now proceed to craft its plans not just for rebuilding Iraq and its institutions - but, indeed, for reshaping the politics and policies the Middle East.

Again, the threat from Saddam Hussein was cause enough for action: He pursued weapons of mass destruction, and consorted with terrorists.

And his record of belligerency - invading two neighboring countries, gassing and torturing enemies foreign and domestic, flouting international laws and sanctions - made him an undeniable threat to the peace.

And, by projection, to America.

To allow such a threat to go unaddressed would have been more than irresponsible: Ultimately, it would have been suicidal.

Saddam's departure, and its circumstances, will have other pluses:

* Iraq's 24 million inhabitants will be freed. A functioning democracy might be established - the first ever in an Arab country.

* Iraq's oil reserves will be developed on behalf of its people, providing billions of dollars in income - and boosting the world's economy at the same time.

* The victory sends a critical message to the world: In accordance with its new strategic doctrine of pre-emption, the United States will confront its enemies before they are able to inflict damage. Best not to even think of messing with the United States.

* America and its like-minded allies are free to establish a presence in the region - a staging site for the projection of power in defense of vital interests.

Action can be aimed at terror-sponsoring regimes. Indeed, even at terror-tolerating regimes. Not necessarily military action - but not necessarily not military action, either.

In that respect, every bomb blast in Baghdad reverberated in Damascus and Amman, in Tehran and Cairo - and in Riyadh.

The echoes were heard in the capitals of Europe, as well.

And at the United Nations.

A nation wielding power unparalleled in history has emerged from this conflict; America's relationship to the rest of the world will never, ever be the same.

For better or for worse.

Meanwhile, what of France, Germany and Russia?

They resisted the eviction of Saddam because it would mean the loss of commercial advantage.

Each had done business with Saddam in the past, hoped to continue doing so - and feared having the details of its relationships made public.

Now they have begun to lobby hard for a piece of the postwar action - demanding that the United Nations, not the United States, supervise reconstruction.

And the insufferably pompous U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who also did his best to keep Saddam in power, ratifies these demands.

Well, to hell with all of them.

They get nothing - unless it is to America's advantage that they do.

Which is to say, unless they decide that it is in their interests, as well, to ensure that the threat to world peace now residing in the Middle East be confronted and neutralized.

Indeed, defeated.

Whether Washington itself chooses to proceed in that direction straight away isn't as important as the fact that it is can do so whenever it is deemed necessary.

Today, by force of arms, America has won a presence in a region long hostile to the West - and a breeding ground for terrorists.

With the war all but won, it is imperative that Bush not squander the precious opportunity in the Middle East.

That doesn't mean President Bush must move quickly (and blindly) on the Israel-Arab front.

In fact, it might mean just the opposite.

"We must oppose proliferation and confront regimes that sponsor terror," Bush told West Point's graduating class last year.

Check off Afghanistan and, now, Iraq.

Some nations "oppose terror, but tolerate the hatred that leads to terror," he added, "and that must change. We will send diplomats where they are needed, and we will send you, our soldiers, where you're needed."

Could he have had Saudi Arabia, and maybe Egypt or Syria, in mind?

He's not telling.

But you can bet that the Saudis, Egyptians and Syrians are wondering.


As well they should.

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Date: 4/7/2003 5:55:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    I'm not sure who wrote this,I got this off of yahoo news.  
Date: 4/7/2003 6:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 38433    I thought this was a well written article until I saw, "to hell with all of them" and then I realized this article is as biased as most others I have seen.  
Date: 4/7/2003 6:32:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    were does it say that I got to get rid of it before an admin finds it.  
Date: 4/7/2003 6:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 38433    Ok, it's about the 17th paragraph from the bottom...   
Date: 4/7/2003 6:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 38433    I mean 17th line, sorry. It probably wouldn't get deleted though, don't worry   
Date: 4/7/2003 6:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    Yes it might be biased, but it's true all stated countries are hypercrits and are know changing their stories just to reep the rewards that will come out of something they tried to get us to stop. Call it what you will but it's the best written article I've seen about this War yet.  
Date: 4/7/2003 6:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 46515    Good article. I for one am digusted with the way the French, Germans and Russians opposed the removal of this tyrant. I think they found weapons as early as last year the French sold to them, which is part of what they were hiding. Forget the opressed and suffering people, forget the right to be free of torture and liberty, money came first. I for one am happy that this war took place and this regime will be history and the people will have the rights that God gave them.  
Date: 4/7/2003 7:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 16538    Great article speaks alot of truth.  
Date: 4/7/2003 8:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 13886    Great article and I agree wholeheartedly. Thanks for posting.  
Date: 4/7/2003 9:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 53961    I guess I would have to say the one thing that sold me on this war, for lack of better words, was the killing of the Iraq people of all ages. When I saw that video on "The Pulse" of a firing squad where they made people of all ages watch, I was appalled! I am telling you, there where little children forced to stand there and watch. The man and his followers are insane!  
Date: 4/7/2003 11:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 13119    I agree with all this article except the part where Bush is planning to create an interim government. Where does he get the idea that his idea of politics is what are best for the country of Iraq? I think that maybe he should be trying to put a responsible Iraqi government into position and help them figure out what their country wants to do, not what Bush wants but what they want.  
Date: 4/8/2003 12:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 47699    That's a great article and I agree with all that it says 100%. Thanks for posting this.  
Date: 4/8/2003 5:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 46515    Magoo, why do you have the idea that Bush is creating an interim government for them? In the first place, he has always said Iraq belongs to Iraq. Coalolition forces will help in the transition to rebuild and give them the freedom they deserve. Maybe you don't like our president but, lets keep the truth the truth.  
Date: 4/8/2003 8:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 13729    Wow a great piece of propaganda!.......I wouldn't check Iraq off the list just yet, we will probably occupy it for a long, long time. We still have 35 thousand troops in Korea, and that war was fifty years ago.....I'm glad he mentioned the middle eastern bottom line, Oil.....If I were the Saudi's, I wouldn't worry....We turn a blind eye to what they do...Why?....Because they are our "friends"......in Oil.........  
Date: 4/8/2003 5:43:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    I wish everyone would drop this OIL crap because that waht it is. THis isn't the beverlyhill billies, THe oil will go to the Iraqi people so they can have some source of income while their rebuiling their country. And besides who would you rather be in control of all that OIL, the Iraqi people with US backing or A sadistic madman who gets his thrill off by rape, murder and every other bad thing known to man, whose using the money to supply terrorist units and make WMD. I go for the Iraqi people with our backing anyday.  
Date: 4/8/2003 10:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 13119    Tiger Monkey I got the idea that your president is putting in an interim government with Americans in charge from the news briefs. I am keeping it honest and for you to insinuate otherwise is rather rude. Maybe you should read all that you can about the issue before commenting.   
Date: 4/9/2003 7:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 46515    You call him my president indicating to me you aren't American,or you resent who you wanted in office wasn't elected, Magoo. Hmmm, could it be ypou might have some sour grapes going on there, making you biased? Too bad you feel I'm being rude,that hurts. (yeah right) I also keep up with whats going on. The only difference is, you're cynical and I believe in the goodness of Americans. BTW- Don't forget, Americans and Brits shed their blood there, who else has a right to oversee this government for the Iraqi's sake? The French? Ohhhh Yeahhh.  
Date: 4/10/2003 2:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 13729    You say now other countries are changing their stories just to "reap the rewards" that will come out if it......What are the rewards?.....Would cheap OIL be one of them?.....  
Date: 4/10/2003 4:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 13119    Ya know tiger monkey, everyone has different ideas and opinions. I heard on the news that bush had stated that he was going to be putting his own people in office overseas. I am not a cynic just because I don't think the same way as you. I don't see you signing up to be over there, I don't see you going to the bases near you to help the families left behind. What are you doing besides spouting off your "own ideas" (b.s. spouting what you hear) I believe in America and especially in the troops I also believe in the british troops. but in your arrogance you are neglecting the other troops that are over there. Learn to appreciate all helping countries not just the major ones. Who is to say that America should oversee the government, why not the brits?
give it a rest.
Date: 4/10/2003 11:32:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    THeirs that word again, OIL. DOn't you people know any other word. France and Germany were already getting cheap oil from Iraq. THey ain't now more, but this war goes way beyond oil theres more to that particular location then y'all understand. You obviosly are just useing this as a scapegoat for your lack of knowledge on the issue.  
Date: 4/11/2003 6:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 46515    Magoo, I spent most of my my life in the military, and had my father taken from me to serve in vietnam. What have YOU done? You are as rude as you claim I am.  
Date: 4/11/2003 4:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 13119    I am a soldier, my 3 brothers and 1 sister are all soldiers. My brother was blown up in Yugoslavia, my sister did tours in Africa and Cambodia, my other brother is an explosives expert and has had to disarm teddy bears left on the ground for children to pick up, I have been on tour in Bosnia-Herzogovinia and am awaiting another tour right now. Don't you dare talk to me about what I have done, I feel proud of your father for going to Vietnam just as I feel proud of every soldier that is fighting in this war. What have you done? Were you in the military or just a military brat?  
Date: 4/12/2003 6:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 46515    Oh sure Magoo it sounds good when you put it like that. LOL  
Date: 4/12/2003 10:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 13729    I guess I'll have to ask my question again.......You state that now other countries are changing their stories just to "reap the rewards" that will come out of it.......What are the "rewards"?......Can you name any?.......Besides the OIL..........  
Date: 4/12/2003 11:07:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    Ritzbe, you obviously have know knowledge of diplomacy, no knowledge of military stratagy, and real estate so if you can't come up with something else then the lame excuse of oil then please keep your opinions to yourself. You can actually sit there as an American and honestly think that this country would send Men and Women to die for oil makes me sick and digusted that I actually put my life on the line for you everyday, and that the Men and Women who died already died for nothng.  
Date: 4/12/2003 11:11:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    And further more as an American you should be ashamed of yourself for actually thinking this way. Someone who was born into freedom and is so selfish that he doesn't want to spread the wealth.  
Date: 4/13/2003 7:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 46515    BTW- My father didn't die in Vietnam, don't want to mislead anyone, but he was gone to be in that war and it was a scary time in my life. I may have been a "military brat" but they make sacrifices too. Ripped from school to school to a sea of new faces, loing close friends, starting all over again, new place, another drab military house (they start to look alike)and just when your roots become importantt in life, you have a loose connection, because military life doesn't always lead you back to where you began, in fact you may not even know your family because you have so many years and distance between you. Yeah, I was a military brat, I think I earned the right to stand for our troops and America even if it was my dad that made that choice.  
Date: 4/13/2003 4:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 13119    I never put down military brats, I have two of them and I know that they make sacrifices but I do have a problem with the kids "wearing the parents rank."  
Date: 4/14/2003 8:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 13729    LOL!...I feel so safe & secure knowing that Dog is "defending my freedom"!......OK, I'll leave the "lame" excuse of oil out of it for now.....I'm still waiting for you to name some of the rewards that we are going to reap..........Can you name any?......Just one, or two......Anything.........  
Date: 4/14/2003 8:06:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    Ritzbe, I've named two in the last two resonses to your question and I will not right them again since you don't like to read anyones points and only what you want to hear. you have what we like to call selective hearing.  
Date: 4/15/2003 9:36:00 AM  From Authorid: 13729    You mentioned two?......I must have missed them, let me look....................Diplomacy, military strategy, and real estate??.....Is that what your refering to?........You've got to be kidding!!...............  
Date: 4/17/2003 3:51:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61941    Well if you honestly think that it was oil.......You got to be kidding.  

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