Why'd they choose me To keep alive, To torcher, spit upon And mock?
Why'd they choose me To watch my friends Executed one by one Before me?
I just wanted to serve To help their people Now I know their woes I've been in their shoes
I was so scared, Not believing it was me In shock from their treatment Invaded, reckless abuse
I am going home To the relief of my father And the pleas of my mother I am not the same
They are declaring me A hero, a saved POW I feel defeat I feel disappointment and shame
Why did they choose me Just a young soldier Doing my job Why did they choose me?
the story of Jessica Lynch has deeply touched my heart. I pray for her safe return to the states and that she may overcome the trauma she surely experienced at the hands of the enemy. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53836 ( Click here )
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