This dream was very mixed up but if anyone would like to interpetit for me I am open to any suggestions. I dreamt I was around a prison setting during meal time. I was standing but this building and when I touched the plastic piece of it my hand inprint indented it. Then I was trying to convince some prisoners that Jesus touched me. They didnt believe me, so one prisoner decided he would let me prove it. He laid down on the ground, I put my hand flat on his chest and when I took it off it left the imprint of the Holy Cross upon his chest. It wasnt burned into but it looked like I had tattoo'd him, then I woke up. My mother said that maybe God was telling me that his IS within me and that he is watching over me. I have always asked God for some kind of sign, could this be the sign that I finally saw. I know he leaves signs all over but maybe I just never saw them, I dont know. Also I once had a dream years ago that I saw Jesus and who I thought was God appearing in the clouds above a house I lived in when I was a child. These are the only 2 religous dreams I had ever had. I am religous but do not practice on a regular basis. Any input would be helpful. Thanks for taking your time to read my story, have a great day!!! How it changed my life:Well not knowing what these dreams me I cannot say what what it has changed. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 50434 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .