Date: 4/2/2003 3:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 60018
Lol well personally OBing can be a scary experience for the first time. Then again it can also be a very fun experience. You can do things you never thought you could I'm not going to tell you what you can do though, you'll have to figure that out for yourself...  |
Date: 4/2/2003 3:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 56024
id like to tell you thats its the most wonderful feeling in the world but. why are u looking for inspiration? the only inspiration youll ever find to obe is embedded deep inside of you. find it. thats all i can say.  |
Date: 4/2/2003 3:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 54532
Well i recently obed for the first time and i absolutely LOVED IT!!! I didnt even mean to it just happened. ~Lilliana~  |
Date: 4/2/2003 4:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 19871
Trust in yourself and maybe ask your spirit guide for help  |
Date: 4/2/2003 5:12:00 PM
From Authorid: 56057
Your story reminds me of when I was looking for my guides and when I wanted to learn meditation. It is not something that you can do without practice and patience. I have had one OBE and it just happened. If you are interested go to my stories and have a read. But what I am trying to say is have patience as good things come to those who wait. Read up on it and just relax. Big Bear Hugs.....  |
Date: 4/2/2003 5:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 47044
I know exactly howe you feel. I have the exact same thing happen to me, and I've been trying to get out for over a year. I've even tried asknig my spirit guide for help, but he doesn't want me to get out. I jsut keep on trying.*sigh*  |
Date: 4/3/2003 8:46:00 AM
From Authorid: 48712
what is an OBE? i'm confused  |
Date: 4/7/2003 10:23:00 AM
From Authorid: 57404
Author 48712: OBE's are Out Of Body Experiences. It is when the soul/spirit leaves the physical body. :-) To the Author: It can be an incredible expereince, however for some, the first time it can be pretty scary. It can be different for each person. For me, I don't wish them to happen, they just happen. For some, the first time or first few times, they may not have control so they just spin out of control. It was like that for me too, as well as not being able to see in color, it was black and white and also having like tunnel vision, where you can't see everything just what is in front of you. Each OBE for me personally is a learning experience and I have had more than a couple of them. It is almost like I have a guide or someone there each time, giving me some test that I have to over come, as if I am being trained or taught. lol It is weird. Then there are some first time OBEer's that take right to it, can control their flight and where they want to go. I think that is because they are older souls, and just know how to do it. :-) As much as I would like to give you inspiration and the benifits of OBE's, I really can't because I have had couple of experiences that were pretty scary, and I have yet to leave my bedroom with out of body. LOL I don't know why, think it is a fear that if I do, my body will be taken over again. lol But I have read some people's expereinces and they say it is great because they can go anywhere, just by thinking of a place or person. And they are able to experience a lot of wonderful things. :-) It does take time and practice tho. God Bless  |
Date: 4/8/2003 4:40:00 PM
From Authorid: 36754
okay... a good way is to actually go to sleep... but keep saying to yuorself all day... I'm going to have an OBE.. Set your alarm for like 2-3 in the mornming... depending on when i guess you go to sleep, becasue you want to be in the middle of your deepest sleep when you wake up. I fyou are, when you wake, your mind will be "aware". Then go through your process of OBEing. i never OBE on purpose, i also go through Sleep paralisis first. I think that is what you are feeling... If you don't know what it is, it is incredibly scary... espeacially when it's the first time it's happens. I'm definatly not an expert on OBEings. I also think that what you are sayig.. "you want to get out, but you don't want to" That is pretty much, fear of the unknown... Many. many peopel have that. You have to get over your fear of it & the only way is to go right for it. I beleive that your spirit guide is more like your higher self. It is your soul (you) in your purest form. It has been through many lives looking over you in this plane(deminsion) If you contact it & it says don't come out... i wouldn't.. heh. There is a reason for everything you feel or sense. You're higher self knows the answers to all your questions... everything. You just have to figure out how to ask them right. There are many different beliefs on this issue.. but i belive in it strongly. If you have any questions, message me.  |
Date: 5/13/2003 7:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 58717
sparrowwack, the only and first time i had sleep paralasis it was so scary, like i was trying to move and i couldent like something was keeping me from moving, and alos does sleep paralasys have anything to do with obe thx | Ironslug