three days journey homeward tired and weiry hauling game wonders a lone buffalo hunter through the tall grasses of soultry plain liquid pleasure within a mind of haze thirst overwealming moving for days dry from the hunt hungry for his game lust for liquid from the river main sure footed over rocky path toward waters edge heated under mid day torture beneath the fires merciless rath beaten brow wiped of bodies sweat lips tremor seeking something wet before him lay flowers in bloom brilliant colors so vivid shouting your thirst shall quench soon bows into ripples of lakes ebbing tide flowing over his caramel skin spying sweet honey suckle about his side something sweet soft and pure wanting to taste pleasure to endure reaching out plucking the preciuos flower natures candy earthly power he gently wiped her petals away co orsing the honey to flow his way he could taste the sugar from within a flower to behold eaten in sin quuenching thirst from a flower in bloom he will camp at waters edge sleep under summer moon life in hand honey across his chest lips sweet with pleasure now he rest waking sun growing from his east journey on home with his buffalo feast within leather bags draped around his waist honey suckle for his guilty taste with the falling of the moon flows an ebbing tide honey upon lips for thirst of sweet pleasure inside nothing so sweet nothing ever so pure the taste of a wild flower he picked from nature never to be parch with a flower at his side to quench his thirst of honey inside You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 16164 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .