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*~* Large Anti-war Protests Come With a Hefty Price Tag *~* Hey,Hey,Paula

  Author:  53961  Category:(News) Created:(3/23/2003 4:41:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (883 times)


Money is needed to rent or buy stages, sound systems, permits and portable toilets, and tabs often run as high as $200,000 per demonstration — much more than the average grassroots peace group will ever have in its coffers.

So who is picking up the tab?

"The major anti-U.S. government demonstrations are organized by people who have been around for a long time, particularly the Workers World Party, which has existed for more than 30 years now and has always supported the enemies of the United States," said Herbert Romerstein, a retired agent of the U.S. Information Agency.

The Workers World Party describes itself as Marxist in nature.

Officially, protest organizers are groups such as Not in Our Name and International A.N.S.W.E.R., but the demonstration's sponsors have long histories of backing anti-government causes.

Not in Our Name is financed by the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization. I.F.C.O. is a million-dollar-a-year non-profit that supports Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and once sponsored a group headed by Sami Al-Arian — the University of South Florida professor being charged with fundraising for terrorist organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

A.N.S.W.E.R. is an offshoot of the International Action Center, which intelligence officials say is a front for the Worker's World Party. A.N.S.W.E.R. canceled a scheduled interview with Fox News but a worker in the Seattle field office acknowledged there are ties.

"There are some Workers World Party members in A.N.S.W.E.R.," said A.N.S.W.E.R. coordinator Jim McMahan.

The International Action Center was founded by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who is a longtime public face of the anti-war movement.

The Workers World Party supports North Korea's brutal regime and I.F.C.O. defied U.N. sanctions when it made a trip to Iraq in the mid-1990s. Now, both are sugar daddies to the anti-war movement.

"The American people have the right to know whether stooges of [North Korean leader] Kim Jong Il or Castro or Saddam Hussein are involved in these demonstrations," Romerstein said.

The groups bankrolling these protests say they're spending their money the way donors would want, and protest organizers say it doesn't matter where the money comes from — the message is their own.

Others wonder if knowing the fringe politics of the people paying the bills might keep some demonstrators off the streets.

But anti-war organizers — regardless of their financial backing — are plugging ahead and are actually planning more aggressive action that they say will be hard to ignore, despite the fact that the United States is on the brink of war with Iraq.

"People will step up their actions, there will be active civil disobedience," said Simona Sharoni of United for Peace in Thurston County, Wash.

Direct Action, a San Francisco Bay-area group of anti-war veterans, has been drawing up their own battle plan should there be a war.

They say they will shut down 70 targets in San Francisco alone, including power plants, water systems, the Federal Reserve, oil companies, the Pacific Exchange and the Transamerica Building.

And their hit list goes beyond economic targets.

Some protesters are promising to chain themselves to fences at schools and day care centers so working parents will have to stay home from their jobs. Organizers say this will give others a chance to contemplate how war affects the children of Iraq.

"The civilians in Iraq are losing their lives and one day of work is worth a thousand lives," said Leone Reinbold, an anti-war activist in San Francisco.

Reinbold helped organize the World Trade Organization protest in Seattle three years ago. She blames the violence and damage on anarchists from the radical fringe, not the mainstream demonstrators.

All the same, police departments from coast to coast know that keeping things peaceful won't be easy.

"We know based on the last one that each preceding demonstration has been a little bit more volatile than the one before," said Deputy Chief Greg Suhr of the San Francisco Police Department.

Some protestors are vowing to bring traffic to a standstill, as they recently did on a Seattle bridge. But many wonder if paralyzing the morning commute and engaging in similar disruptions will win converts or make enemies of people losing patience with their tactics.

Fox News' Dan Springer contributed to this report.

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Date: 3/23/2003 4:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Very lengthy but very informative. I feel that violent protestors are hypocrits and shouldn't protest, what they are promoting with their actions. Good post  
Date: 3/23/2003 4:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 57355    only 9 to 12% (not all) of people in the protest are "VIOLENT",and they are spectaters that go to the protest.Get your facts right 34487... -Quetz.  
Date: 3/23/2003 5:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 20750    Wowser! I did not know that!  
Date: 3/23/2003 5:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 61013    yeah I am thinking of starting a protest at my school.  
Date: 3/23/2003 5:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 53052    i've seen MANY MANY MANY a protest i've only seen 1 where some little bit of force was needed... and i'm talking abotu dozens and dozens and dozens of protests.. i've seen day ones walking through the street ones camp out ones most every type out there... a person incharge of a protest needs to do it properly.. alot of people don't realise what goes into a protest  
Date: 3/23/2003 5:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Quetz: Get my facts straight? What facts are you referring to? You need to get your facts straight that there a plenty of VIOLENT anti-war protestors. They are world-wide, they've been arrested in San Francisco(1000 to be exact). They have been arrested for curruption in numerous other places too. Do you watch the news or CNN? They've shown them throwing things at police officers, spitting on them and attacking them when they are trying to protect and serve the public. They continually, try to burn down Embassies and other Governmental buildings. They have used weapons during their rallys against others and caused the death of children and other bystanders. They block roads and bridges... what other facts should I check? I have gotten my opinion from facts, unlike you.  
Date: 3/23/2003 5:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    VIOLENT protestors are hypocrits and an embarrassment.  
Date: 3/23/2003 5:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 44850    the fact that THESE paticular groups are the ones credited for anti-war protests make me ill ....   
Date: 3/23/2003 5:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 57355    First off, they happen near the end of all protest,the "violent Protester" arent really protester.They in fact are dumb people who decide to take an opportunity to cause these choatic events.They go and blend in with the real protester and go with the flow.As for the road blocking and the like,I find that somewhat meaningless.I dont know why would blocking traffic would help with our cause. -Quetz.  
Date: 3/23/2003 6:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Exactly, nothing a violent, irrational protestor does promotes any cause. It only makes them hypocritical since they say the want "peace" but do just the opposite.  
Date: 3/23/2003 6:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 57355    Wait, are you saying ALL protester are VIOLENT.  
Date: 3/23/2003 7:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 8428    Hey its not nearly as many as the $80 billion price tag on this unjustified war...  
Date: 3/23/2003 7:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 8428    Wait its okay for America to be violent... But to use violence to make anti-portesters voices heard is wrong???  
Date: 3/23/2003 9:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 56927    Approximately ninety five percent of this post was new information to me. The other five percent was made up of conjunctions, speaking in terms of pound for pound weight balancing, campared to mass of general thought put into the 'non'conjunctive by-words, and main phrases. Hopefully, we'll find the answers to find good true protest, and perhaps do something with it. You know you are aiming the same way.  
Date: 3/23/2003 10:36:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53961    IMHO, I feel that if an individual feels so strong about an issue that they would want to protest, that they need to rethink their strategy and generate their energy in a different direction. ie. If a person feels that abortion is wrong, then volunteer their time in the nursery or children's ward at their local hospital. What good will picketing Planned Parenthood do? I can asure you there is a baby needing to be held and rocked somewhere. In the present day situation, if a person thinks the war is wrong and wants to do something constructive they could volunteer at the local Veteran's hospital or perhaps homeless shelter. The keyword here is "service". Serving one's fellow man does so much more good than protesting or rioting.  
Date: 3/24/2003 2:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 54444    whatever...the big fact is that last night the war was 100 percent justified because the wepons of mass destruction were found . the 100 acre manufacturing plant for chemical warfare agents was found by our soldiers in Iraq...and no doubt they will find more. What I think is funny (peculiar funny not ha ha) is that these chemicals would be used against the anti war protesters as well as anyone else. So they are actually giong against their own self-interest when they protest and unknowingly working for an enemy who wants to kill them. can you spell ignorant.  
Date: 3/24/2003 6:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 34487    Author 57355: No, I never said that. Reread please, I Said that VIOLENT protestors... VIOLENT is the adjective defining the type of protestors, not that all protestors are violent.  
Date: 3/24/2003 9:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 34487    I wasn't trying to yell at you with my comment, just emphasize. :0)  
Date: 3/24/2003 12:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 59751    Very well put, Hey Paula, ManofAsgard & You choose!  
Date: 3/24/2003 2:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 26227    I dont see why people are protesting the war now. The war is started now, nothing protesters can do about it now, its up to the troops now to finish the war.  
Date: 3/24/2003 4:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 32806    Protests got women the vote, ended slavery etc etc.....You say the police are protecting the public, what are the protestors, some sort of outcast group who dont count as being "the public"?? The points the author raises are fine as info to who funds the protests, but who funds them doesnt detract from the reasons for those protests. The chemical factory found is not none to be a production facilty for chemical agents....we'll know it when we find it as we built it for them .  
Date: 3/24/2003 8:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Sagi10: I'm not really sure what you're saying there but the part about the police, referring to my statement above I suppose? Yes, the police don't deserve to be attacked by unruly protestors that are acting violent. The protestors wouldn't need to worry about their protection, if they weren't acting like a bunch of morons. The job of the police is to "protect and serve" and they are doing that by protecting innocent bystanders from violent protestors. They're even protecting them from themselves, by trying to keep the peace.  
Date: 3/25/2003 7:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 24673    This is a great post and thanks for the info. Only hope it can get through to some people who have no idea what is going on. Some people just to follow the crowd.  

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