okay, as some of you may know i manage a gas station/convienent store (the busiest one in omaha, as a matter of fact) and get the opportunity to mingle with just about everyone you can think of ....
anywhere from ....
the business man overpaying for his cappacino, to the lady that waits outside for legal selling time for alcohol, to the elderly man that walks 2 blocks for his coffee and paper, to the mormons that buy their water while on "saving" walks, to the mexicans that have problems living in the country because they were never taught english, to the 16 year olds that stand out side waiting for someone to buy them cigarettes ....
well, anyhow .....
a few things have happened the past few days in conversations i have had with these people (as i am the ONLY guarentee they have in their day :p) that have caused me to pause and think .....
a man with a thick accent comes to my store everyday, and gets a cup of coffee and packaged danish roll, every other day he gets a paper .... well, finally, this morning, i asked him where he was from. "Young man, i am from scotland, and have lived here now for about 4 years. i never had any problems until this year, as whenever someone asks where i am from, and i reply scotland, they reply only with ... 'and why aren't YOU supporting the war ...' "
another man comes in just a few short minutes later ... and makes the comment ... "boy, i am from texas, and i tell ya what, i hate them sand ********* and boy, its a good ole thing that we are over there, i tell ya, not a day i would be wearing a towel on my head" ....
later in the morning, a younger gal comes in the store ... she was 19 (and upset that i carded her for smokes :p) ... "god, i cannot WAIT until we take over that land, so our oil can be cheaper, i mean gawd, like they need any oil, they still ride horses and camels anyways"
NOW, the point of these stories ....
please, as i scroll through all these stories ... war this, bush that, please do keep in mind, that it is not COUNTRIES that are at war .... it is an invasion for one family, there is no need for hate, and no excuses for such ignorance as to what is going on in iraq right now ....
philosophical ideals, interpretation of speeches, and guesses of motivation are all something that can and SHOULD be discuss, as we debate, we could learn more .... but, please, as you discuss this invasion, war, conflict, whatever you want to call it, please keep in mind that we are ALL effected by this, and that foolishly and blindly supporting a war or opposing a war is constraining yourself from understanding what is going on around you ....
understand that america has an awful history of the way its vetrans are treated after a war ....
during the vietnam war, it was the gung ho pro americans that pushed buttons with the "make love not war" protestors ... causing a feel to rebel against those that actually fought the war ... PLEASE, i beg of you ... lets not let that happen again ....
for any feelings you have against the war, blame the leaders, not the people. for any feelings you have FOR the war, again, blame the leaders of the opposing country NOT the people of it ...
"to have an opinion is much like a home, renting one will get you by day to day, but to own one is what makes it worth while ... " How it changed my life:we'll see .... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 44850 ( Click here )
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