As many of you know, my grandfather died two weeks ago. What you may not know is my belief in rainbows giving a sign that a deceased loved one has safely passed into Heaven.
We (meaning myself and my mother) were driving to a doctors appointment yesterday, which was exactly 2 weeks after Papa's death, and at the exact time that he died. As Mom pointed this out, i noticed a small rainbow in the sky. Mind you, it hadn't rained. I sat staring at the rainbow, until a cloud shaped like a pegasus caught my eye.
My grandfather and I loved our horse-races, so this simple pegasus warmed my heart.
I then saw four other clouds, each shaped like an individual angel. I showed the angels and the pegasus to my mom, who smiled, and we started talking about such things as being watched by angels.
Deeply contented by what i saw, i settled back in my seat, only to sit up as a new vision came over me.
I noticed that all four cloud angels had their arms outstretched, and they seemed to encircle something...
The Pegasus.
We had our appointment, and when we came from the office, it was dark, and the pegasus, rainbow, and angels were gone How it changed my life:I felt very light, content, and happy. I strongly believe that Papa had sent me a few signs that all was well with him. I also found it extra special that i noticed these things at the time he passed, two weeks later. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 30097 ( Click here )
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