Strange as it may sound, a leading spa says soaking your feet in a bath made of chocolate can do myriad wonders. According to, a New York City spa -- Just Calm Down, A Jewel of a Spa -- has come up with a recipe for a foot-soaking bath that relies heavily on the healing powers of lactic acid, long thought to be a skin softener. Remember the movie stars' pen- chant for taking costly milk baths? A chocolate foot soak is made from the following ingredients: -- 8 tablespoons of cocoa powder -- 6 tablespoons of powdered milk -- 4 drops of cinnamon essential oil -- 4 drops of peppermint essential oil -- 1 teaspoon of vanilla -- 8 large marshmallows -- 20 chocolate kisses. (The spa recommends that 21 be used, but one is saved for snacking.) -- Enough warm water to cover to the ankles. After mixing the ingredients, except for the kisses, soak in the mouse-like mess then drop in the chocolate kisses and use them as a lumpy massager. Scrubbing with 1 cup of sugar mixed with half a cup of olive oil is the capper. Makes you wonder what Dr. Scholl's might have in the wings.
Me Loves Chocolate, But I Never Thought of Soaking My Feet In It!!:)
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