Come and sit with me my friend, Worry not of the thoughts that wonder through my mind. I have forgotten all that could of been, What could be, is what I now long to find.
Come and talk with me, Hear not the words that have been said, but rather the ones unspoken. Fear not what you hear, For they can heal the heart that has been broken.
Come and wait with me, Wait for the wounds to close. For I know they will never truely heal, For deep in the heart the pain forever flows.
Come and walk with me, Fear not where the road may lead. No harm will come to you, this I promise. Your heart will not be deceived.
Come and listen with me, Hear the nights mystical song. Hear the angels whisper. Know it is here where we belong.
Come and dance with me, Let the wind sing our lullaby. Let us grow wings, And dance amoungst the stars in the sky.
Come and run with me my friend, Let us leave this world behind. May we never look back but only forward, To the new world we will come to find.
Come and believe with me, Believe that love can be true. Look deep with in your heart, And you will feel the love I hold for you.
Come and dream with me my love, Let not any dream die. Know my heart will forever be yours. We will never know the meaning of good bye. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 61677 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .