The following excerpt was taken from "Everything is Under Control" by Robert Anton Wilson
So you ask "What is the New World Order that everyone is talking about?
"The New World Order - an expression originally used in the 1920's to describe the views of Col. Edward House - became a hot issue again when George Bush used it in a speech. A typical view is expressed by the Pennsylvania Crier, which describes the NWO as the joint product of the ideas of Cecil Rhodes, Andrew Carnegie, and the Fabian Socialists (e.g. H.G. Wells) - an attempt to extend the British Empire to the whole Earth and thus prevent future wars. This gradually evolved into the idea of world governance by an English-speaking union, and should be resisted, the Crier says, because it would eliminate "freedom, self-determination, liberty, limited government, free enterprise, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
Another interesting excerpt about the Constitution taken from the same book cited above says:
The Constitution: Fact, Fiction, or Fraud?
"In The Constitution: Fact or Ficiton, Eugene Schoder and Micki Nellis argue that the consitution was nullified on March 9, 1933 by President Franklin Roosevelt's declaration of national emergency. What has followed in the intervening 65 years, the authors describe in their subtitle: The Nation's Descent from a Constitutional Replubic through a Constitutional Dictatorship to an Unconstitutional Dictatorship.
Senate Report 92549 written in 1973 says bluntly that since 1933 "the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency . . . A majority of the people of the United States have lived all their lives under emergency rule . . . (we now live in) a permanent state of national emergency."
The authors cite 470 Federal laws, since 1933, that have steadily increased the president's "emergency" powers. They claim this is why - - although we haven't had a Declartion of War by Congress since 1941 - American troops have been in battle continually in engagements great and small in one far-off place or another: our recent presidents have trod the world like Roman emperors rather than like the limited executives authorized by the constitution.
Under the 470 emergency power rules, the president may seize property, send military forces anywhere without public or congressional approval, institute martial law, restrict travel, seize and control all forms of communicaiton, etc. And once the emergency had been declared by president Roosevelt, nobody could end the dictatorial situation except the president himself, by declaring the emergency over, or by a future president declaring the emergency over. Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton have all declined to do so. (I DON'T SEEN DUBYA HEADED IN THAT DIRECTION EITHER)
That ultra-individualist, Lysander Spooner (1880 - 1887), not only thought the Constitution was dead but that it deserved to be dead. A lifelong abolitionist, Spooner hated slavery; but he hated the Civil War even more, and re-examining the Constitution skeptically, he wrote six pamphlets (No Treason I-VI) arguing that the Constitution had no authority to bind later generations to remain subject to the federal government. Defining the Constitution as a contract, in the common law sense, Spooner, a superb laweyer, applies the rules of contract law to it and proves that, legally, it binds nobody but those who gave consent to it in 1789: . . . " You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42940 ( Click here )
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