Well, there was this kid in one of my classes who used to talk to me sometimes. (I'm very quiet). He was kind of an aquaintance. Then he started to flirt sorta with me. (He flirts with almost any woman) And it got really anoying. I wouldn't say much, but I always gave him weird looks and told him to shut up once or twice. He would always ask me why I hated him. I would tell him that I didn't. I don't really hate anybody. But on Friday he was really getting on my nerves. He sat on the chair next to me and was saying things to me like "You are so hott" and blah blah blah and the teacher asked him what he was doing. Then he said "No madder what I do, I can't get this girl to talk!" Then he started saying my name. I didn't say anything just to prove a point. Then he screamed it in my ear. I flung my hand up to get him away but accidentally hit him in the jaw. He flung back and said that he was affraid. He sat in another chair. Everyone was laughing, even my teacher. People were clapping too. But anyway, after class he held out his hand and said "Friends?". So I went to shake his hand and he moved it away quickly and went "Sike!" or something like that. Then he turned around and said "For real this time. See, my hand is down here." I am usually a nice person but I kicked him. (Which I shouldn't have done) and the other kids told him to watch his back. I went to get my bag and he whispered that he was sorry. I said "Are you really?" And he said yes and said "Truce?" And I said "I guess so" as I left the room. He looked hurt and I felt pretty bad. Then today (Monday) I got the feeling that he was avoiding me. He wouldn't even look at me. When I went near him, he walked away. He even went out the other door to the room (away from the one I was standing near). So, I was wondering, does he think I hate him? Or is he affraid of me? I feel kinda bad about it. I'm usually a nice person. How will things turn out? Thankyou for your time. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 17666 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .