I was surfing the Startrek.com website, and I came across an interesting survey. It was about your favorite Star Trek movie moment. There were several suggestions and I thought that I would post them here. But if you have a favorite moment that isn't on the list, feel free to post it!!!
1-When Ilia showed up in that really, really short skirt(ST:TMP) 2-"KHAAANNNN!!!" (STII) 3-Saavik "helping" young Spock through his adolescence(ST:III) 4-"Nuclear Wessels" (STIV) 5-Uhura's fan dance (STV) 6-"I can't believe I kissed you!" (STVI) 7-Data's, um... "emotional" reaction to the ship's inevitable crash-landing(STG) 8-"Assimilate This" (ST:FC) 9-Riker & Troi bathing together (ST:I) 10-"On screen... er, open a channel." (STN)
As I said before, if you have a favorite Star Trek moment that isn't on the list, feel free to post it!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 31997 ( Click here )
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