All right so yeah as I was saying.. Ricky's awakening was supposedly triggered by his foster mom's blood-curdling scream in the middle of the night. But when he looked in their room, they were both asleep in bed, so he went and checked on his mom, and he slowly, slowly very quietly snuck over to her bed, and as he tip-toed up to here face, he reached to touch her and said, "mommy?" Well, obviously she awoke quiet at a normal heart beat, a normal breath, and ricky asked his fostermom about it, and she hadn't been screaming, nor did she remember any nightmares she could have had. So ricky went to bed thinking nothing of it but his imagination. So time passed, and over time the screams turned into vision at night, visions of his father literally slitting throats of his brothers right in front of him, then finally all the dead children would start chasing ricky, while his foster parents were casually going crazy from his son's frequent visions, of which they could not see, hear, even smell anything. So one night when ricky had another vision, and was running around the house clawing at his eyes trying to rip them out screaming, "PLEASE DADDY NO MORE PLEASE STOP!!!" So they both looked at each other having some unseen thought process connecting them both together. So they grabbed him and dragged him to the freezer, but as ricky saw it, his father was, as ricky was seeing what would have actually happened if he hadn't killed his father,so the whole time he was resisting as hard as his little body knew how, screaming and crying NO NO PLEASE NOT THE FREEZER DADDY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!" but they were sick of it, so they threw him in there, locekd it, put a towel over the whole so no light could seep through, and turn the temperature as low as it could go. Well, to make a long story short, to this DAY you can still see clawmarks supposedly on the inside of a stainless steel 5 inch thick steel door, but they arent little clawmarks, some are halfway into the steel, and supposedly when people from local law enforcement got wind of what these parents had done, they had there hands all over that house, and when they opened the freezer, poor ricky was stuck to it, i guess somehow his blood froze his hands to the door as soon as he was dying. So, needless to say, little ricky still to this day thinks the worst of all people, and whoever goes into the house, especially if it was a male, rick will try to get them shut in the freezer, making interesting noises, whether it be a sexy woman's voice, or whatever he needed to make a person enter the freezer, then the door would shut and the temperature would be set to the lowest temperature. But that was a long time ago and, of course, dude, im cool, i can do this, everyone else was just scared by their imagine, but im tough and i can turn off my imagination with my mind, so Ill have no problem. So as Im walking up the steps to the house onthe hill, as we call it, I put my cigarette and stomp on it, as i open the door. As SOON as i stepped in i felt it. A crying of children, a crying child, yeah it sound like a crying child, but it was just a split seond how did i hear so much in that little of time. but literally before i had time to think about it, my friend, we'll call him bob, was going to walk incuz he said they needed to ppl not just one, just in case the house were to cave in or something, he could get help. but as soon as he was walking in the door, it slammed so hard, that it broke through the trim and smashed Bob in the face, but broke his nose and its door knob right into his gut which shot him back a few feet then he fell and all my so called friends ditched, but that didnt matter because i knew there was no way to get out, because as soon as i turned to go out, the door closed, sealed up, three deadbolts locked, then melted the handles on each one so there was no way to turn it, and locked the door handle itself. So i was stuck alone in the anderson home, oh wow, it turns out that, im not so tough. How it changed my life:Stick around for more of my story, sorry it took so long to fill u in. peace You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53144 ( Click here )
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