Well our trash pickup guy comes around every Tuesday-usually pretty early in the morning, so we pull the trash up to the street Monday night. Or we're supposed to. Last Monday was my bro's night to clean up the kitchen after dinner and pull the trash can thing up to the street. Unfortunally he forgot. Everyone forgot about the trash. Tuesday morning comes around and the trash guy comes. 7:00 in the morning my parents here the sound of the big ol' garbage truck going right by our house. My dad jumps up, grabe his robe, runs outside and pulls the garbage can up to the street. My mom wakes up, here's all this commotin outside, looks out the window, and sees my dad jumping up and down trying to get the attention of the driver of the garbage truck. It doesn't work. So now we have at least five STINKING bags of nasty garbage downstairs in the basement. My cat and our two rabbits "live" in the basement, so whenever I go down there to feed them the smell just about knocks me out. I swear it's the most horrible thing I've ever smelled. It makes me want to puke it's so bad. I will be so happy to get it out of the house tomarrow night. I'd just better not forget.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .