You are the snow, Laid upon the grass which we mow, You are the snow falling on the ground, Snow fallling all around, Snow falling in my palm, One minute its there, one minute its gone, Snow can come by surprise, Or it can come in front of our eyes, Snow affects people in many ways, And it can snow for days, At some point the sun comes through, And sweeps away the snow with a broom, Its God comming and shedding His light, Telling everyone that its alright, Telling me that its okay, But snow will come again someday, It takes up a lot of time and thought, It's a part of life that can't be stopped, So when the sun does it shining, I will stop my crying, But until then and then a few, I will always miss you.
Januaury 26, 1987 - September 5, 2002
This poem is dedicated to a friend named Ryan that ended his own life and is deeply missed by family, friends, teachers, and ppl who didn't even know him. He touched so many ppls lives just by being here and they didnt even know it til something like this happened. Thats sad when you think about it but it's something ppl need to realize. I read this at his memorial service. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 34761 ( Click here )
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