"there is a lot of things that each of us can do to stop corporate fuedalism, just in our own private lives, not everybody has the time and the guts to do what people like judy berry, global exchange, seattle . . . not everybody can do that . . . but there's other things we can do and still be a part of overturning it . . .don't let the more radical than thou tell you that just because you cannot do what they do makes you worthless ... doing something is always better than doing nothing. . . . when you think about it, it's sooo easy ...
here's the starting point ...
make a vow to yourself .. 'i am not cooperating with corporations anymore, THEY CANNOT HAVE ME'
start with QUIT giving them MONEY!!
as much as humanly possible . . . no more money to chain restuarants, box stores, no more money to products made and sold by predatory multi national corporations ....
support your local book store where you just might talk to a clerk that actually likes literature. support your local grocery store, where the food might possibly be grown locally or even organic (which means that the food wouldn't be geneticly engineered) . . .
and most of all . . .
stay away from being fundamentalist . . . find an ethical standard that you can live with . . . once you begin being some sort of radical and see black and white there is no way to bend your ideals without fear of breaking them. Once you have broken them, you are left feeling as if you betrayed yourself."
taken from the machine gun in a clown's hand by jello biafra.
"giving something back is part of not forgetting who you are, think of all those that have NOT done that" You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 44850 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .