Here is the Interview between Me (metal princess) and Frankenstein! I hope y'all enjoy it! Anything in brackets after what he has said, is me:)
What is your Name? : Frank Allen
Got any Nicknames? : The Great Cornholio (haha!)
When and where were you Born? : 11/29/1962, East Tennessee
What's your Zodiac Sign? : Sagitarius
Have you got any Hobbies? : Cooking, Trying to maintain at least a tiny modicum of sanity, scaring and embarrassing my dear bride in public if possible. (LOL)
What are your favorite Sports? : They can all go out with yesterday's trash. I despise sports of all kinds. (I see, lol!)
What is your Occupation? : Currently - retail but I'm looking
Do you have any Pets? : The Bride Of Frankenstein and an insane bunny who will eat anything including human flesh (scary! lol)
Favorite Movie? : There are more than one. I can narrow it down to North By Northwest and Dial 'M' For Murder. Both were directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Favorite TV Show? : Again, more than one. Mission: Impossible, The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone, MacGuyver
Favorite Actor: Cary Grant or Jimmy Stewart
Favorite Actress: Lauren Bacall or Ingrid Bergman
Favorite Book: Of Mice And Men or The Martian Chronicles
Favorite Author: Ray Bradbury
Favorite Colors: Blue, Grey, Black, Silver
Favorite Singer: Alan Jackson
Favorite Band: KISS
Favorite Song: Comfortably Numb
Favorite Cartoon characters: Beavis, Hank Hill, Bugs Bunny, Homer Simpson (I'm like a combination of them all) (hahaha!)
FavoriteDrink: Mmmmm..... BEER! (oooh yum! :P )
Favorite Video game: GORF.....(you won't know it because it's from the 1970's)
Have you got a favorite word Word? : nads
What's your favorite Saying? : Here's your sign.
What's your favorite Fast food restaurant?: Burger King
Got any Ambitions? : To become a successful author who can stay at home and write rather than having to go out and deal with all of the idiots of the world. (Sounds great!)
What do you Look like? : Tom Green....enough said, case closed. Next! (hehehe!)
What's your most Embarrassing moment? : The time I grabbed a lady from behind in a reverse bear hug in a department store because I was sure that it was someone I knew well but it turned out to be a total stranger. I couldn't stop laughing. She stood there with her eyes and mouth wide open and I'm sure she was just wondering what looney bin I had escaped from. (OMG! LOL)
What can you live without? : Worry and debt
What can't you live without? : My dear bride
If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be? : Living- Art Bell or Forest Ackerman...Dead- Rod Serling, Alfred Hitchcock or Groucho Marx
What was the best thing about 2002? : Getting my first book accepted for publication
What are you hoping for in 2003? : Something a whole lot better than 2002
If you could go back in time, where would you go to? : The 1960's
What is your Favorite website besides USM? : (it'll be gone forever in a few days)
What is your Favorite quote? : I once shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I'll never know. (haha! I'll never know either :P )
Do you believe in Ghosts? : I can't help but believe in them because I live with them. Yes, I've seen them and so has my bride. If you want to see them to, go to my profile and you'll find the link to the website there. There is audio as well.
Do you like Telephones? : Do you mean that talking stick/box thingy? I hate that! (me too!)
Do you play any musical Instruments?: Yes, I have played the guitar and the piano in the past but it's been many, many years and I don't remember very much. I'm sure that I could pick it up again pretty easily. I like the sound of the saxophone though.
Are you a Serious person or a joker? : Either. It depends on the situation.
What CD is in your player right now? : Garth Brooks Live
What is your Goal in life? : Comfort, contentment and peace of mind
What are the Song lyrics you can most relate to? : There are two- "Twenty, twenty, twenty-four hours to go...I wanna be sedated" or "I have become comfortably numb."
Are you a Dreamer? : Absolutely
How's your Concentration span? : eternity and beyond unless it's Latin
What are your Thoughts on spaghetti? : It makes wonderful bait. Otherwise, I much prefer rice
Do you like Baked beans? : Katie, bar the door and make sure there's plenty of Charmin on hand! Seriously, they're okay on occasion but I don't normally like anything that's even remotely sweet unless it's dessert. I don't usually even eat that. I'd rather have some jalapenos or something.
Are women stronger than men? : We all have our own strengths in different ways. A woman can bring a man to his knees by either kicking him in the right place or threatening to leave. On the other hand, a man can bring a woman to tears by telling her that her butt is huge or not giving her any money.
Thanks Frank, for letting me have this interview with you! Hope y'all enjoyed it!
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