Hi everyone, here is the interview between myself (Metal princess) and our good pal Flame-on! Anything in Brackets after what he has said is ME! Enjoy...
What's your real name? : McKelvin
Do you have any nicknames? : Yes, but I refuse to reveal that type of information. LOL!
So when and where were you born? : September 24, 1981 in Brooklyn, New York.
What's your zodiac sign? : Libra
Do you have any hobbies, and what are they? : Reading comic books, eating fast food, watching TV, surfing....the web.
Any favorite sports? : Wrestling.
Do you work/go to school? : Currently, I'm taking a break from school.
Do you have any pets? : No.
What/who is your favorite:
movie: Spider-Man, Rush Hour 1 & 2, Die Hard With A Vengeance, Lethal Weapon 2 & 4, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, A Christmas Story, Space Jam, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, and some others. (WOW, You like a lot!)
Tv show: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, WWE Raw, WWE Smackdown, WWE Confidential, Mad TV, TRL, Smallville, America's Funniest Home Videos, The Simpsons, S Club, He-Man, Justice League, Power Rangers, Young and the Restless, All My Children, Andy Richter Controls The Universe, Charmed, and more.
Actor/actress: Jackie Chan
Book: The Cat In The Hat (haha,i remember reading that!)
Author: Dr. Seuss
color: Red
singer/band: Mariah Carey
song: Notorious B.I.G's "Mo Money Mo Problems" and "Big Poppa". Hoobastank's "Crawling In The Dark"
cartoon character: Bugs Bunny (What's up duck?)
drink: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Tropicana orange juice
video game: Probably a Mario or a Sonic The Hedgehog game.
word: I don't have one. (really?? Mine is AMAZING!)
saying: "Avengers Assemble", "It's Morphin' Time", "Let's get crazy". (lol)
fast food restaurant: McDonald's
So describe yourself....(what you look like) : I'm African American. My skin is a little on the light side. I have brown eyes, a goatee, I have a small mold on the right side of my face and on my neck, and I'm a brunette. (very nice!)
Any Piercings? : No.
When was your happiest moment ever? : In 1989, my parents and I went to Virginia. On the way back from there, we got hungry and came across a restaurant. A little place I call McDonald's. It was the first time that I ate french fries and hamburgers and drank Coca-Cola and it would definitely not be the last time either. Later that year we got cable TV. It was the best. (awwww!)
your most Embarassing moment? : Uh, that's not really a g-rated moment. (hahaha!)
If you could spend one day with any celeb, who would it be? : Mariah Carey
What was your favorite thing about 2002? : The Spider-Man movie.
Are you looking forward to 2003? : Yes. There's a lot of good movies coming out. (You really like movies don't you?)
If you could go back in time, where would you go? : I'd go back to the 80's when I was a kid and try to convince my younger self to exercise more so I could be bulked up now.
What's your favorite website (other than usm :P )? : I can't reveal that either. It's not g-rated. LOL! (oh deary me!)
Do you believe in ghosts and have you ever seen one? : Not really.
do you like talking on the phone? : Not really. I don't talk to people on the phone too often.
play any musical instruments? : No.
What cd is in your cd player right now? : None. I haven't bought any albums in two years. Most of my money is spent on food, games, and comics. (Wow..)
Are you a dreamer? : Yes, I dream of having super powers all the time. (LOL!)
How's your concentration span? : Not good. I constantly zone out to daydream.
Do you like shopping? : No. (me neither..)
SIlly questions:
If you were forced to live on a desert island for the rest of your life what 4 objects would you being with you? : My lifetime supply of Pringles, my comic book collection, and that's all I can think of.
If you woke up one morning and realised that someone had shaved away your eyebrows, what would you do? : I'd shave theirs. (hahaha!)
can you put your foot in your mouth? : I hope not.
Thanks for letting me interview ya Flame-on! I hope everyone enjoyed this:)
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