Innsdale Drive-In theatre, Innsdale, Ohio: March, l981/
C H A P T E R O N E: JASper- Early sunday morning in Innsdale, Ohio, couldn't be more heartland or middle america than if it had been swallowed by Mr. Norman Rockwell himself, with it's tree lined steets and church infested neighborhoods, it was still small town USA. People dressed up in their sunday best, eating breakfast at their favorite restaurants, or getting in the final cigarette before morning service at their church of choice. It was a time when most families still had an agenda for the sunday afternoon ala carte', whether it be sports on television or just old fashioned get-togethers- sundays were still set aside for the family. Perhaps this would be why it wouldn't take very long to notice that two local teenagers weren't in their usual positions when the time come for the preacher's sermon...
I would be amazed, upon writing this story, at how sheltered a small town could be, existing only an hour from a city with close to a million occupants in it's population. In a way, I can see how the blood could spill into this small little village, hidden among the shadows of the big city life. But then I'd wonder, why would anyone try to search out such a reclusive place of habitat? Either way I drew the same conclusion, what happened here in the tiny corner of Ohio known as Innsdale, couldn't be as shocking had it happened in New York City. Murder reared it's ugly head and held the town at bay, leaving a few hundred people in fear of their lives. Fear consumed innocence for a short time- and shattered this quiet region and it's backwood views of the world. It started at the Innsdale Drive-In theatre, but it ended in a much different place.......
No matter what face you put on it, or name you use to describe it- it is still 'murder', no if's, and's, or but's about it. Cold blooded, calculated murder, as ugly as any junkyard possum that has ever dared a speeding car to run it over. Ugly as it can ever be. Two sixteen year old teens, slaughtered in a car, at an abandoned drive-in movie theatre, outside Innsdale- could fall under many terms of endearment, but in the very end it was stark, bitter M U R D E R and nothing but. Cary Griffin & Deborah Weaver would be found dead, slumped over on each other, in the front seat of Cary's l976 Camaro, brutally & viciously attacked by an axe that was still lodged in the side of Deborah's skull. It was a classic case of overkill, and a frightening case of homicide. One thing for sure, it just didn't seem to make any sense. If anything, it was senseless. Noone deserved to die such a horrible death, noone could p off another human being enough to earn such a heinous demise. Especially, two high school sweethearts, hiding out in a drive-in, warming up while southern Ohio began to thaw out from a winter of snow & freezing cold temperatures........
As the mystery at Innsdale began to unravel, the story behind the gruesome murders that happened on the night of March l6th, l981- would drag me into an incredible world of deceit & betrayal, secrets & o v e r k i l l. This will be a lesson in trust............ You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 44424 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .