All is deceptively peaceful on the floating island. Tigatron contemplates the beauty of the island as Airazor tries to recover from being shot by Scorponok. She still cannot fly, so Tigatron offers to carry her on his back until she is feeling better. The two take off towards the obelisk to uncover the mystery of this paradise island.
Meanwhile, Optimus Primal flies off to the floating island with Rattrap on his back. Rattrap, unsurprisingly, complains about having to be towed around, but Optimus explains the importance of needing his infiltration skills.
Suddenly, the pair is attacked by Waspinator and Terrorsaur, now fully repaired! Rattrap is blasted off of Optimus' back and goes into a freefall toward the island below. Terrorsaur appears in front of him mocking him. Rattrap sees a chance to save himself and transforms, proceeding to blast Terrorsaur. The Predacon flier is forced into beast mode. Rattrap hops on top of Terrorsaur and uses him to fly to the island while Waspinator is eliminated by Optimus and he proceeds to the island as well.
Meanwhile, Tigatron and Airazor have been caught in one of the island's traps! Two large rock walls begin closing in on them and their escape routes are blocked off by large boulders on both sides, too big and strong to be blasted by conventional weapons. Airazor cannot fly, her wings still self-repairing, so Tigatron sees only one dangerous choice. He transforms, runs beside one of the boulders and fires his weapon in the air. As he predicts, the obelisk fires a blast at him, but he jumps out of the way as the blast destroy the boulder instead. He scoops up Airazor and runs frantically from between the two walls closing in on them, leaping from the death trap just in time.
Elsewhere on the island, Blackarachnia and Scorponok witness this, and Blackarachnia quickly urges Scorponok along with her to reach the Obelisk before it can recharge its massive power. However, as they continue to move further, Blackarachnia activates another trap, making the ground beneath her collaspe as she falls through the bottom of the island back toward the planet's surface. However, during her freefall, she shoots out a string of webbing and latches onto the island's surface and climbs back up. Looking up, she notices a strange marking ingraved onto a rock right beside where she fell. She suspects that the marking must signify a booby trap in it's vacinity. Pondering this, the two Predacons continue their journey towards the obelisk.
Meanwhile, Rattrap, using Terrorsaur as his "flying horse" finally arrives at the island with Optimus flying beside him. Just then however, Terrorsaur takes Rattrap for a wild dive, towards a tree on the island's surface, flying by it and knocking Rattrap off his back, ramming him into a tree branch, and flies off as Optimus lands beside him and they meet up with Tigatron and the now repaired Airazor. They discuss the traps and power of the obelisk. Just then, Tigatron notices sometimes far off in the distance. He zooms his optical sensors in and sees the two Preds on the move, as they resolve not the let the island's power fall into their hands.
Blackarachnia and Scorponok reach the Obelisk first. They see a door but can't seem to get it open. Blackarachnia wants to blast it open, but without getting frayed by the obelisk's weapon. She decieves the oncoming Pred fliers by activating their comm link and telling Scorponok that she will take the island's power for herself and will destroy the fliers, fooling Terrorsaur and Waspinator into thinking that she will betray them. Terrorsaur transforms and fires at her, causing he and Waspinator to be blasted by the obelisk.
Blackarachnia quickly shoots a hole into the door of the obelisk before it can quickly recharge it's weapon and enters. Inside, they find an intricate compilation of machinery, a power core of some sort for the tower's awesome power and the driving mechanism of the island, and to the side, a flight of steps leading to the top of the obelisk. Blackarachnia prepares to go up them to claim the power for her own, but, as she does however, Scorponok aims his weapon at her. He tells her that Megatron warned him of her possibly betraying them and to take her out if she does. She warns him that if he fires inside the obelisk, it's weapon will destroy possibly both them and the island. Content on taking out the spider while not destroying the island, Scorponok moves over to not let the obelisk be destroyed. However, unknown to him, he is right beside another trap symbol ingraved onto the inside wall as the section of ground underneath him collapses and he falls through, grabbing onto the edge of the hole with his claw, holding on from falling. Blackarachnia comes toward him, smirks and kicks his claw from the edge of the hole, making him fall back to the planet surface below, as she turns back and heads for the top.
Finally reaching the top, she sees a large circular symbol on the floor and a platform chair. Stepping into the circle, she is suddenly held back as a beam of light shines from the top of the room and the power of the obelisk envelopes her, changing her voice to a deeper growling tone and changing her colors into darker shades of black and purple, and, outside, sending a beam of light upwards and, in a swirl-like pattern, dissaptes the large cloud that once wrapped around the island. After the power transfer, she sits in the platform chair, having the ability to control the obelisk's power with her mind and begins using it to attack the Maximals as she moves the island towards the Maximal base to destroy it.
As the Maximals duck and run from firepower, Optimus calls Rhinox over the comm link and tells him to prepare the base for continuous firepower possible destruction while, inside the base, Rhinox and Dinobot run to move important supplies and weapons out of the ship.
Back on the island, the Maximals struggle to get in the obelisk, but only Tigatron makes it inside first. He realizes the only way to stop the island is to destroy the obelisk, just as the island comes within firing range of the Maximal base. He aims his weapons at the power core, regretting to have to destroy the paraside island, and fires a single shot. The core begins to overload with discharging power as Tigatron runs out just as it explodes. As the Maximals cheer his accomplishment, the island begins to fall to the planet surface.
When it gets close enough to the ground, all the Maximals run to the edge and jump off the island as they watch it plow into the ground, grinding against cliff walls, breaking up into several pieces and finally stops, as the obelisk falls over with Blackarachnia screaming inside.
All the Maximals gather around what remains of the island as the fallen obelisk activates one last time, and sends a signal beam into the sky. The beam reaches another obelisk, just like the previous one, on the surface of the largest moon, and the signal is then deflected into deep space, where it goes into a dimensional corridor of some sort.
Awed at what they have seen, they begin to wonder what the signal was all about. Tigatron explains that it was a beacon sent to whoever made the island. He further explains that the island was a test for them,...a floating paradise made to test whether or not they could coexist with the natural environment. All they had to do was live peacefully, but they had proved unworthy. Rattrap brings up the point that what interests him most is who got the signal that emminated from the obelisk. Optimus gives him a slight hand of reassurance as he tells him they may find out who someday, maybe soon......
Coming Soon, BEAST WARS TRANSFORMERS "Spider's Game"
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