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My experience as a terrified little girl, Can you explain it?*DizzyME*

  Author:  9130  Category:(Mysterious) Created:(12/26/2002 6:27:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1929 times)

When I was younger, I remember suddenly having an unexplainable fear of the dark. It happened when I was about 11 years old. Seems a bit old to have fear of the dark, right? Looking back, I think it was a bit old too. I just remember crying for hours when I went to bed, terrified that something was going to happen to me. That is when I started with my obsessive compulsive need to check behind my bedroom door, in my closet and under the bed eight times each night before I went to bed.

When I would close my eyes I would see an image. It is unexplainable. I can only describe it as being like the symbol of infinity but with a third loop turned sideways. The symbol did not scare me, but it was there whenever I closed my eyes.

I could not look out my window. Looking out into the darkness was something that I just couldn't bear. I made the mistake of looking out one night, and saw red floating lights in the woods. I screamed and when my stepmother came to see what was the matter I showed her and she tried to tell me they were lightnin' bugs. Yeah right. The lights were not flashing they were floating and theyw ere larger than lightnin' bugs. That is one of only a couple totally UNEXPLAINBLE experiences in my life.

My fear of the dark subsided as time went on. My obsessive compulsive need to check behind the door, under the bed, and in the closet was harder for me to get over. I do not fear the dark now, but I do wonder what it was that caused me to be so terrified all those years ago. I can still see that image in my mind clear as day, and I have no idea why. I can also still see myself as a little girl crying myself into an exhausted sleep and I can still feel the terror that griped me those few monthes. I do not want to ever feel that way again.

Any comments are welcome :)

How it changed my life:

I wonder what made me so afraid...

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 12/26/2002 6:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 160    Things that happen to us when we are very young are confusing, later on they can manifest themselves in strange behaviour. For example, a baby that is sexually molested does not understand what is happening to him or her, all they know is the pain. They may remember certain smells or colors and identify with those things. In later years they may not understand why a certain smell causes them anxiety but it does. Thats why there are trained people that can help us to get in touch with what happened in the early years. And sometimes those memories although vague and confusing may not mean what a child may think it means. Our perceptions change as we grow. So something may have scared you as a young child that manifested itself later on. By the way, I did not make this up, it comes from our foster parent training. Helps foster parents to understand kids that act out and why they do.  
Date: 12/26/2002 6:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 17252    When I was around the same age (10 or 11), I was also obsessive compulsive-- checking behind doors, counting to 1000, only sitting on one side of the car, not getting dressed in front of mirrors, and lots of other weird things... I had a voice in my head that said "you will die if you don't check behind that door 8 times" and stuff like that. Also around that same time I became really scared of the dark too... but I can pinpoint when that happened. One winter night I was sleeping by the heater vent wrapped up in a blanket. Well sometime during the night I had a dream the house caught on fire and I was burning alive in it, I really thought that I was. I remember struggling in the blanket, it was completely wrapped around me, but I was only half way awake (you know the state of sleep where you CANT wake up?) but I thought I was awake and on fire. I thought I was going to die. So after that I was SO scared of sleeping in the dark and I felt a strong presense of evil in the dark, so for a long time I would leave the light on. With the obsessive-compulsive behavior, that lasted about a year I think, and it was really strong the whole time, controlling my life. Eventually I had to fight it, and did get over it... but one weird thing was that it may have saved my life... when I was in a wreck I was sitting in what happened to be the safest place to be, and came out basically unhurt, while others were killed or seriously injured.

Thanks for sharing this DizzyMe. Just wanted to let you know you weren't alone...

*Lilac Siamese*
Date: 12/26/2002 7:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 13283    Have you seen the movie Communion ? You may have been visited by aliens . You saw them behind doors and under the bed . They are able to control what you think . You remember seeing the spaceships( rings) and aliens , but the aliens made you forget all of these events . Under strong hypnosis , we will be able to get these hidden memories to the surface . Razzy aka  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 42568    From what I know about fears and obsessive disorders, I could only say this: Something must of happened to you when you were younger that was so horrible, that you blocked it out of your memory. To this day, I can not remember some of the abuse that happened to me, but my sister does. I blocked it out of my memory because it was too hard emotionally for me to remember. About being obsessive-compulsive, that is just your brains way of trying to protect you. We can't always know the answers, but we can learn something from our past.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 42568    Royaluzi is right. If this bothers you to think about, I'd highly suggest you to go see a hynotist. Only one you could trust, though.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 35114    I know how you feel. I had similar experiances. However I knew what it was that scared me. Things I saw then still frighten me to this day. Maybe you are somewhat (or very) psychic and you could feel what ever it was that was in the woods. I can't help you with seeing things when you close your eyes. I get that too. I don't know what the symbol means. I hope you do find out though. ^_^ *HUGS*  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 55330    Oh wow, that is really really freaky. Razzy may be right although I don't believe in aliens.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:23:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    I have seen the movie Communion, and it freaked me out.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:23:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    Thank you all for your comments  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:26:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    Bethann-- I am slightly obsessive compulsive to this day. I have to MAKE myself stop checking the stove or the water faucet to make sure they are off. I still have some things that I do a certain number of times. I don't know why i do it, but i'm a lot better about it than I was when i was younger  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:28:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    Lilac Siamese-- its so odd how we have so many common experiences.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:28:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    KN-- I don't know. The thing in the woods just freaked me out I have no idea WHAT it could have been.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:29:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    PamyJo-- I don't think anything bad like that happened to me.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 42568    That's good you are showing improvement though, Dizzy. Since it's an "obsessive" compulsion, it's a very hard habit to break. I have problems with it myself. However, it jumps from one thing to the next...so that's harder to control. It takes me a while to realize that it's an obsession, and then takes me a while to control it. I'd just like a break from it all, ya know?  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    Its just annoying! like i will walk past something and be in a huge hurry but i will notice something is sitting crooked. So I will walk over and straighten it. If I don't it drives me nuts. And the bed has to be made "just so" and I used to have to have the television on a certain channel every night when I'd turn it off, and I'd check the door four times before I went to bed to make sure it was locked...etc. weird stuff.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 4614    Sounds like the start of the WILD imagination you have to this day Diz   
Date: 12/26/2002 7:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 11348    Hmm I'm not sure what could have caused it... maybe just too many scary movies or a wild imagination. Fear of things in the dark is one of the most common fears, especially among children so that could have something to do with it. I was the same exact way. When I slept at night I was always afraid to let an arm or leg hang off the side of the bed for fear of a hand reaching up and grabbing it. I think kids just have wild imaginations that let them get the best of them sometimes.  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    nope, it was not due to scary movies, because if it was there would have been SOMETHING that i was afraid of... I didn't watch scary movies til I was older...  
Date: 12/26/2002 7:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 49101    Well my Dizzy Sis, sometimes we all just have to face the fact that we are crazy. Even you. Or you could just say you have been abducted by aliens which in MY honest opinion is a much more believable explanation. (truly it is) And hey what is wrong with being scared of the dark anyhow???? huh? I am 26 and PETRIFIED of the dark.  
Date: 12/26/2002 8:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 28848    It could have been anything. A scary movie. A bad dream. A cruel practical joke someone had played on you. a scary story. anything could have triggered this feeling. Or you never know, you could have been the victim of an alien abduction...  
Date: 12/26/2002 8:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 4614    A much more believable explanation? I think the first part of your statement is correct MissC lol  
Date: 12/26/2002 9:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 8428    Im pretty sure the thought of alien abduction as come to your head. Thats what i suspect.  
Date: 12/26/2002 10:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    DizzyMe, I suggest that you go and have a regression with a qualified hypnotherapist. They will take you back to what it was and when it happened. The knowledge will give you a wonderful release. I used to be a little afraid because I would overhear ghost stories. Good luck.  
Date: 12/27/2002 8:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 56200    It's hard to say what was causing your fear. I think that only you can answer that. Was there something else going on in your life? You say you had a stepmom. Did your dad just marry her at that time? Sometimes changes in our life or some kind of traumatic thing can trigger other things. Like say nightmares. Maybe that image was something that you saw somewhere, maybe someone had that symbol on a necklace. If it really bugs you maybe therapy could help. Good luck  
Date: 12/27/2002 12:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 46139    Perhaps it was a movie or something,I know for me
there was this movie called Body Snatcher's I was
watching on t.v one day eating a sloppy joe and
I'll never forget this man opening up the back of
his truck and it was like a freezer full of dead
bodies hanging by the feet all split open just like
butchered meet and every since then I haven't been
able to eat a sloppy joe 15 years later that image
still enter's my brain.
Date: 12/28/2002 10:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 12341    Certain events or bad times in our lives trigger the need to cope with whatever has been stressful or traumatic. I grew up very poor and although we never starved, there was never much food or it was just filling, not exactly what we wanted, lots of potatoes, eggs, cheap food. All my life I have over compensated for that. I buy far too much food, I always have and cannot seem to get over this compulsion. Even though, both my husband and I have very good incomes, and are not over weight, most people probably think I'm buying enough food for a family of ten or more. My cupboards, refrigerator, freezer are always filled and I throw away enough food to feed an entire family some weeks. I KNOW this is nuts, but even though I tell myself I am going to stop, I keep buying.  
Date: 12/28/2002 2:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 53314    Note You said you were a little girl?They were lighting bugs remember when your small Things look bigger to you..  
Date: 12/28/2002 3:15:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    Rowley-- They were NOT lighting bugs. For crying out loud people, I used to catch lighting bugs when i was a kid. I was a country girl!  
Date: 12/28/2002 7:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 160    I do the same thing shadow ghost. I am a compulsive food shopper, my cupboards and freezer is packed. I had to buy two book cases to store all of the left over boxes that I bought and could not fit in the kitchen cabinets. They are stuffed and overflowing as well. I am obsessed with having plenty of food. My husband demanded that I move food that I stored out of the linen closets in the bathroom. I can't figure out why and don't know how to stop it.  
Date: 12/28/2002 10:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    PamyJo, I have always thought I do it because of how I grew up. Even though I have come a long way and will probably never want for food or lack of certain staples, I can't seem to stop this. It's actually wasteful and we don't need or use all the stuff I buy. I belong to Sam's Club and I buy huge amounts of stuff because I think I'm saving money. I overstock the freezer and food gets freezer burned. I spend way too much on food and have no reason to hoard, I think it simply goes back to the time in my life when I had so little.  
Date: 1/3/2003 7:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 55533    OMG!! That is creepy!! I was and still afraid of Quiet-ness. Poor you! Okay, this may sound stupid, but it could of been an alien that erased your memorie but the fear remained.  
Date: 1/3/2003 7:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 55533    What did the symbol look like?  

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