Derrick asked me out derrick asked me out!!!! WHHOT WHOOT! I have had my eye on him forever! All my friends would smack me for drooling over him while I was going out with Brendon. That was a mistake on my part! OMG I can't believe we are actually gonna go to the movies. If you saw him you'd fall i love instantly too!! Wow I can't wait!
**SATURDAY MORNING** Wow! today's the day!!! The day Derrick and i go to the movies. i have to look my absolute best! I am gonna take a shower, wash my hair, shave my legs, the usual, put on my best looking clothes, find my best shoes, do my hair perfect and then do my makeup. well I am all ready and i still have 15 min till i am gonna leave. iIdon't wanna be late. I better leave now!
**AT THE MOVIE** I got there like 5 min. before Derrick. Wow does he look cute tonight! He said the same about me! He said that i looked "beautiful beyond belief" What a Sweet heart!!!!
Well we went and saw the movie. It was scary but Derrick had his arm around me so I felt better. Now we are out of the movie and we are going for ice cream. Wow, I didn't know that derrick was such a gentelman!!! Yes it is a gentelman but i didn't know this much!!! He's just to sweet!!
we ate our ice cream and my mom called me on my cell and said that I had to come home so I told derrick I hd to go and he kissed me good night and promised to call me when he got home. i got in my car and went home. I sat next to that phone till he called. he asked me if I had a good time, and i said yeah and you? and he said that he had a fantastic time and that he couldn't wait to see me again! We talked for 2 hours and he asked me out! WOW!!! I am going out with Derrick now!!!!
Read Part 5 to find out What happends next!!!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .