In Japan, the "puffer fish", is a culenary delight, and is even more popular with some people, due to the fact that these fish are highly poisonous. Every year up to 1500 people die from eating the Fugu fish, at reastaraunts who specialize in serving this dangerous delight. Of the people who experience the toxic effects of the Fugu...61% of them die.
A serving of Fugu can cost up to 200 dollars. I'd say that those who survive must really feel like they've had quite an experience.
If I ever go to Japan, I may or not, try my luck with dining on Fugu...or maybe I'll settle for some monkey brains eaten directly from the cranium of a monkey who's had the distinct misfortune to have been killed by having had it's head tapped on with spoons...right there at the dining table.
I'll settle with the Fugu, thank you, very much.
TC How it changed my life:I'd love to visit Japan. I'd love to climb Fujisan, ride the high-speed trains, get to know a cute Japanese girl, and...see the "Hairy Ainu", eat Japanese food, visit Sapporo (on the island of Hokaido) and visit the Sapporo brewery, drink saki, & walk through the "forest of the dead" (a popular suicide location at the foot of Fujisan).
Since I probably will never go to Japan in the flesh, I guess I will fly Trans-OBE-Air....that is I'll need to learn how astrally project. Trans-OBE-Air is a very inexpensive way to fly...since you do the flying yourself. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 177 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .