Life awakens to begin upon a breaking Quest, Weaving our webs invisibly, within the Trinity's Nest.. Learn of Living, thrusted into any viligent Test; Brow full of sweat until ye recieve Final Rest.
Joys and Remembrance come with some Heartaches too, In Love of all things, especially at Yule Time comes due.. Inlaid a bay leaf, secured to the bottom of thy shoe; To stave off negativity and to start all brand new.
God and Goddess, that always ponder I more, And wonder if Balance is keeping great score.. Of things for me, in the web, outside of The Door; Embraced as my Soul, becomes sand to a shore.
In the blink of an eye and the thoughts disappear, Allow my Name to be recollected once each year.. To those that remain grieve not, yet raise cheer; For your web will soon claim you, for it is always near.
Dedicated to my Great Grand Father Carl, who passed away December 24, 1979.. I miss you still. Thank you for teaching me things I needed to know from you before you left to the SummerLands. Blessed is thy Essence in fond remembrance.
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