Ok I am posting here about My Crazy Dream in hopes of Replies. Ok I had this Crazy Dream the other night and decided I would Post it here. COuld someone please Tell me if they think it meant anything or just a Crazy dream? Ok here goes.
Ok I live in Tampa Florida USA and Well all I remember is that I was in Tampa and we was on like a High Terror Alert and I remember lookin Up in the Sky and Seeing like Some Fighter Jets Like 8 of them and I was with some Friends and I was like hey look at that whats goin on we must be goin to war or something then all of a sudden like 5 mins later a Big Explosion Happen I guess it was some Terrorist attack or something and I was killed but it was Strange Cause then I was like back right before the Explosion happened and I was like ok this Time I am not gonna Stay around and I took off running and I ended up Dieing again. But it only kept Killing ppl in that Area. SO then I was back at that Spot again so I was like come on to my Friends and one came with me and we was running through this Building and I was like I know were we are come on lets go this way when we got out the building but he didnt he went the other way and I heard the Explosion but he died and I lived this time and I kept Running and I jumped this Fence an was like in a Field then I woke up. Well I hope this was just a Crazy Dream. If anyone can reply thanks admins if you find this is not the spot for this post please dont Delete just move it to Dreams Please. Thanks You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 61969 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .