The God Who Tests Us!
Proverbs 17:3 The crucible is for silver and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests the heart. (ESV)
This proverb starts off giving us images of a hot crucible and a over heating furnace. These are not images of great comfort and ease. Rather, these images are meant to invoke thoughts of discomfort, pain and unease. These opening images lead us to a profound truth about God. He tests our hearts!
The proverb writer is not going out of his way to show images of a comfortable testing process. Rather he uses images of extreme, searing heat. The extreme heat brings out the good and bad in gold. Tests sent to us by God do the same thing.
What situation are you in today? Do you feel an extreme amount of heat? Do you feel both the good and bad manifesting from your personality? Have you considered that the sovereign God who made you, could be testing you? Could this testing be done to make you aware of what is in you so you can change? Or even better, so you are aware of the good qualities you possess?
We worship, serve, fellowship, love and adore a God who tests us! Next time you feel the heat being turned up, look up! It could be the divine, loving activity of God, leading you like a shepherd to learn what is really in your heart. He is the God who tests us! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 47162 ( Click here )
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