Last night i drempti was at my grandparents except they where not really my grandparents and weird stuff happend but anyway they told me " the negaverse would come to power" and i thought this strange cause i dont like sailormoon anymore. Well then i got a phone call from my bro and went home and it was atually my dad who was taken over by evil and i was fighting him but lossing and he did not hurt me but then i went outside to wait for school busses and this worm thing came out of my arm and it hurt bad and thern mom picked me up and took me to school and then my latin teacher took me and the latin club to a thrift shop and there was more sailormoon stuff and i bought a rainbow bright bag with soem in it and then we went upstairs to look around and we had to go over this wobbly thing to get there and we did and then the room we where supposed to go in was locked and occupied so we ran like hell and then i went downstiars and Ms jennings was cooking with this guy with coldslaw and eggs and all that and she went upthere and was mad someone was in the room and told the tour guide to let us in there and then there was more scout stuff and there where new scouts playing with usagi and they all wanted to dystroy this negaverse and then i was at school and i showed this kid where the thing burrowed out of my arm and he said it probably laied its eggs in my system and i said no and ripped off a few layes of skin down to the initial burrow of the thing (there where two) and i started couphing up little doofy looking toy forgs of all sizes but all of same design and i shoved them in a bag and hopes there where no more worms and no one else would catch them. thats it. How it changed my life:dint You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51565 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .