An angel died this afternoon
My angel,to be exact
So beautiful were her radiant white wings
I loved her so,and this is truh,not just fact
Such shining,mysterious,beautiful eyes,whether she was happy or blue
and I would Cry,cry against her feathers,whenever I was upset too
Well,she doesnt just look like an angel,for now she truly is
How could something so beautful be so sad,my mind cant cope wiht the answer to this
She lies there,so close yet so far away
wings partially covering her petite body
her lovely head at an angle layBehind her gray eye lids, are her eyes of red
Open them, please!
You cant be dead!
It was onto your head,your feathers I cried
Well,now it is youwho will lie in the coffin bed
Once again,I have lost one so dear to me
But i should be happy,for you now fly free
trapped behind bars,though on countless occasions I tried to free you'
'And now that I cant be the one to free you what will i do?
Who will I talk to,so late at night
vent by yelling and crying to,when ive undergone an emotional plight?
But thinking back...
Whi did you cry to,when you ailed?
Who chastened you,when 'escape' schemes had failed?
Who made you laugh in your time of need?
I feel like some kind of demon,and the thought makes my soul bleed
Let this be a lesson for thee
It is those we take for granted,who soon will cease to be...
~~~_+_+_+_+ _X_X_X_X_XX_X_X_X_X_X~_~_~_~
Dedicated to December,my beautiful little dove of four years...
The one i took for granted...
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