As a few of you know, it was revealed two years ago that my stepdaughter's biological father molested her when she was five. (She is now 15.)
This came out because he attempted to gain legal custody of her, and pursued having her removed from mine and my wife's care. He almost succeeded. My stepdaughter told a friend that she didn't want to go live with her father and made the friend swear not to tell anyone what her father did to her. Thank God the friend didn't keep that promise.
It has been a long two years, with my wife being drug back and forth to court, being accused of trying to plant "false memories" into Sierra in order to alienate father and daughter. At one point, the police were set to arrest my wife for making false accusations, until the detective in charge of the case noticed something odd about one of Sierra's biodad's statements. The biodad was arrested but never charged.
Yesterday, the biological father unexpectedly threw in the towel. He reliquished any and all parental rights to Sierra, and granted formal legal permission for me to adopt Sierra as my own child.
He did this in exchange for dropping any and all financial responsibility for her care and keep. He traded her for money.
The biological father can now keep his $683.00 per month.
God has given me a daughter.
Praise to Him in the highest this Christmas season, and may you only know His peace.
Love, Tom You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51173 ( Click here )
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