ok, I was going to the art building to check on my ceramics and the room happens to be next to my Architectural History Professors room. Well, I decided to stop by and say hi to him on my way. His class has been the hardest this semester and I was pretty sure I was flunking. So I've been doing all the extra credit and really dressing up projects, namely the last one. It was supposed to be an image journal, a collection of three pictures representing each chapter in our history book! NOT EASY!!! it was like over a hundred photos that I had to find. Anyways, I walk into his office and he hands me the journal saying he'd finished it. on it was a note that said:
(my name): You have shown a terrific attitude! Your effort to rise above your initial difficulties is commendable. Your sketch book (or in my case, Image Journal because I did photos) grade is a 15/15 (I received all 15 possible points). Your class grade is 88.4 This should be a B. Yet due to your effort you have deserved and earned an A!
Isn't that awesome!! Finally, I get a break!! wee!! I'm soo hyper! woohoo!!! How it changed my life:DUde, do I have to take my finals! I"m so hyper I don't think I can settle down long enough to study!! hehe You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29216 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .