Yeah, I'm complaining again. :P Atleast I have the energy to do that
Lately I have had an enormous pile of crap heaped upon my shoulders. First I was just worried about school because I had been sick and missed some days. So I'm behind on my work. Plus I have all of my end of semester projects due at the same time. Okay, I could probably deal with just the school issues alone.
But also I've been dealing with my husband's should we say, Drinking "issues" and the numerous fights, some of which are physical, that it is causing between us.
Oh and of course one of his good buddies is getting out of prison this week. So I have to worry about him running off with him again. Just like he did last time he was around.
And in the middle of all of that, it's the holidays. I normally enjoy the holidays, but right now it just seems like an added burden with all of the cooking, cleaning, and shopping that I have to do.
Plus the in-laws are practically moving next door. Which would be okay if they would just do their own thing and learn to take care of themselves and let me have my family. My family is all that I have. Eventhough it is rather disfunctional it's still all that I have. But his mother is so needy that it's unbelievable. And I know that she is a stronger person than she lets on. Yet my husband, who claims that he has no time for me (his wife) and our children, has to run to the inlaw's rescue for almost everything. So now that they are closer, he will probably be over at their house all of the time. But yet he still won't have time for his own family(me and the kids).
And all the while that I am trying to deal with this mayhem I presently call my life, I still have the issues of my clinical depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. All of this stress has just really been getting to me. I'm afraid that I'm going to go into a deep depression or start having panic attacks again. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 28848 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .