Nicholas & Alexandra
Nicholas was unprepared to inherit the throne, and his rule was a tragic failure. They went through many family problems. Nicholas's mother - in - law dispised his mother. Alexandra's brothers always needed money, and their son's hemophilia worried them greatly. The couple's ideas were not suited for the 20th Century.
Alexandra was emotional in private, and she believed that the tzar ruled with an iron fist. Nicholas was passive, he'd say "it was god's will". The imperial couple resisted giving Russia the freedom of technology. Remoteness from the outside world lead to their death.
Ogla was born November 3, 1895. She is six years older than Anastasia. Ogla was tall and blond, with blue eyes. She read everything she could get a hold of. She was nervous and got mad easily. Ogla liked to be alone. Nicholas spent more time with her then any of his other children. Her teachers liked her. She was upset when she discovered that she would have an arranged marriage. All she wanted was to marry a Russian boy, and settle down.
Ogla had sympathy for people in trouble. She sacrificed her small allowance to help those in need. This is done privately not publicly. After she came into part of her personal fortune, she expanded as much as she could.
Tatiana is described as having exotic dark features, with grey eyes, and brunette hair. She had extaordinary beauty. Men found her extremely attractive. She loved fashion, and was conscious of how she looks and dresses. She was the closest to her mother. Tatiana was usually the one to ask for difficult favors.
Having friends was important to her. She found it difficult, however, to build satisfying friendships. People found it impossible o forget who she was. It was hard to arrange meetings with people her age.
Tatiana studied languages, painted, and played the piano. But she did it without passion or inspiration. her techinque was dry and academic.
Tatiana was religious, and was an inspiration to the family in captivity.
Maria has blue eyes, light brown hair, rosy cheeks, and a bright smile. When she was little she was chubby, and was called "fat bow wow". In her teens she became a great beauty. Maria was bold and easy to speak with. Maria often found herself dominated by Anastasia's stronger personality.
As a student she was fairly accomplished. She was left handed when she painted, and had a talent for art. She often daydreamed of the day that she would be married. She wanted only to be an excellent mother and wife. Maria often developed crushes on officers. The revolution cut the budding romances short.
Anastasia was born June 5, 1901. Nicholas, who had been hoping for a boy, had to take a long walk in the park before he faced his wife. Anastasia was a tomboy, she would climb trees and not come down till her father ordered her to. Although she was bright she chose not to excel in her school work. She was called shvibzik which means imp in english. She could make everyone laugh. Anastasia liked wearing perfume and taking long baths in her father's silver bath tub.
Anastasia liked painting, playing the balalaika and record player, her dogs, Violette perfume, doing nothing, playing the game "Colorito", thaking photographs, watching movies, and talking on the telephone. Her favorite book was "The Millionaire Girl". Anastasia was close to her pets.
Anastasia lived a sheltered life and she never saw the hardships of the Russian people. She died at the age of 17.
Aleksey tried to lead a normal life dispite his disease, hemophilia. He has dark blond hair and blue eyes. He had a sailor appointed to watch over him at all times.
Aleksey had many fantastic toys. His favorite was a simple Native American canoe and tee - pee. He and Anastasia were very close. She was always going to his room to entertain him. She knew how to make him forget his pain. She comforted him with jokes and funny stories.
How it changed my life:Well, I realized that people can hate so much, it can turn to murder. I feel so sorry for what happened to her, and only wish that if I was alive, that I could have helped. Her family did not deserve what happened to them. They loved Russia very much.
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