Repetitive rhythmn of an ever-present force The steady beat The constant thrill of pounding electricity Pulsing through thirsty veins Clash of metal Against the hard ground Grinding of gravel Falling like gentle rain Bloody tears down concave cheeks And slight movements of slight limbs Gnawed and gory fingernails Bones under skin Like needles through fluid, opaque paper Eyelashes cakey with crimson Crimson Only hue on a colorless palette The artist's paintbrush long since dry The artist's fingers thin and limber Yet apathetic and indifferent, all the same Clutch at air, at breath The only thing now held dear Nearly a corpse Yet lacking the definition of such Nearly alive Yet closer, even in life, to death In monotonous darkness The midnight of the dead The last movements of living, breathing necrosis The beauty and eternal finality Of being buried alive
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .