Date: 11/23/2002 8:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 43586
What is the eastiest way to obe besides death? there are many ways, and i can send you some techs... what are the dangers? there are not really too many, but the main one would probably be evil spirits, they can make you sick, but not kill you. really if you dont believe they can hurt you then they cant do much, and if you call them away.... Can a bad spirit hurt me? if you believe they can. but probably not very bad, unless you provoke them and stuff....Could i visit heaven and see family? i dont see why not, i have heard of people doing it, but many dont venture far....Could i meet god? it could be difficult to get to his plane but again, i dont see why not.... Can i talk to poeple that aren't obeing? only if they know you will and have telepathy... Could i move physical things? never tried, but, there is probably a way, but it would not be easy, mostly you would move it in that plane but not in the physical... could i go to outer space? definately yes.... do you hover above your body every night? well, some people do, but usually no, and if you do, then you wouldnt remember it, i dont remember it. but dreams are different than obes, so it isnt dreaming or during dreaming....could i be like the spirit that is pushing the oujia board? again, i dont see why not.... could i tell/see the future? you may travel into the future, yes.  |