Date: 11/18/2002 9:41:00 AM
From Authorid: 54808
umm... sure... works for me.... i really don't know though. good luck figuring it out.  |
Date: 11/18/2002 9:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 61928
Hypnosis my friend. OBE's are just illusions created by your brain. If you can make yourself believe it, your brain will let you experience it.  |
Date: 11/18/2002 12:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 61912
Death seems to work for most people, but there are many techniques for astral projection, you will have to dig deep into the OBE section. I have read many techniques on USM before. I myself have only tried it once without success. I would very much like to experience it myself.....Andy  |
Date: 11/18/2002 2:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 43586
hmm, i dont share your view that OBEs are just illusions made by your brain, i believe that is actually your spirit, because astral bodys exhibit the same characteristics as spirits. So thats where i disagree. and plus, it is NOT HYPNOSIS. Hypnosis involves suggestion to alter your daily life, it is controlled by the person who was hypnotized. i dont know where you got it was hypnosis. OBEs are much different than hypnotising, i have hypnotized myself before, its not a thing where you are a zombie. OBE's are where your astral body exits your physical, and you may look around and see what is going on, its not based on your brain.  |
Date: 11/18/2002 2:27:00 PM
From Authorid: 43586
You cant just think that you are in another place, that does you little avail, you need to get the feeling that you are in another place, you have to just feel it out, like feel that you are beside yourself, and that right next to you is your body. ^_^ have fun  |
Date: 11/19/2002 6:08:00 AM
From Authorid: 61928
Ok, self hypnosis will definately give you the sensations that you're having an OBE, but maybe you just haven't been successful with it. Also, it's quite difficult for me to believe that it has to do with a spirit (which is a tangible object of course, right? lol) because what you call a spirit is something made up inside your brain. Nothing more.  |
Date: 11/20/2002 2:02:00 PM
From Authorid: 43586
61928, sorry, i believe in an afterlife. i dont believe that the spirit is made up inside the brain, my views are different, and therefore, there is no point in even argueing  |
Date: 11/22/2002 7:42:00 AM
From Authorid: 61928
That works for me.  |