on the playing god debate...we play it all the time, don't we??? i'm trying to give you a different view on the issue, other than HUMAN issues. It's kind of obvious when u see how we play with our environment and don't even think about the animals or how we're destroying our home, and we put people first.
why do we have to put people first before animals?? i'm all for using lab animals, but the animals in the wild should be left alone. Then again, we let our population rise without concern for our home, our one and only earth, and go ahead and control animal populations since they can't cope with ours. When we talk about abortion and playing god with that, we're still putting people first. If we continue letting our population go up and up, we're going to HAVE to have more abortions and birth control, maybe even forced abortions, out of RESPECT of life.
i can just see the US of A becoming another China in another twenty five years or so, having forced abortions and closing down fertility clinics because we played with our environment without giving it a thought first, and hate to say this, (no offense to people here from developing nations) but we can't continue giving those nations all this help. To me, I think that just helping nations is like playing God in a way, but sometimes you open up a Pandora's Box. We're playing God with them by trying to change their ways to get them on the world market instead of their own, solitary economy and industrializing them without letting them make their own discoveries first.
Now we have terrorists. And they have done damage to the environment, some of the population in Arabia are terrorists, contaminating their rivers, all because we handed them the fire too quickly. Overpopulation is there too, all because the more advanced countries 100 years ago or so tried to help them instead of letting the less advanced pace themselves first.
My point? I'm trying to tell y'all that playing God isn't necessarily human; it accounts for everything. When we try to stop abortions, we are playing God with the population and the available space and resources we have. When we help so-called "developing" nations, we are handing them fire that they sometimes don't know how to handle, like in the Greek legend where the god handed the humans fire. In turn, we are damaging our Earth, our whole social ecosystems, and our environment goes with our social ecosystems. If we waste a whole lot, our social balance is affected as our environment is.
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