Hi everyone.
I used to Work for MARS INC. A (once) BIIIG Musical Instrument Retail Store chain. They REALLY did me wrong. I worked there for five years, and they REFUSED to promote me. Even though I OBVIOUSLY did a GREAT Job, and All the higher ups liked me a lot. BUT apparently a musician would rather deal with a man, so they gave my promotion to three different males (at different times) who had been there for FAAAAAAAR less tiem than me...
Well, after dealing with that and NUMEROUS other problems for five years, one day around last Xmas, I just walked out, and said I would never go back.
Keep in mind, I REALLY AND TRULY loved this company. But I learned that a company can not love you back. And I grew BITTER. It took MONTHS for me to find the job I have now. And I was always saying that one day they would go out of buisness and I would LAUGH and have a Party.
I helped BUILD that company into what it was in my own small part. I was one of the first people hired to work the VERY FIRST store. I traveled for over a year, missing out on things like family gatherings and My first Nephews birth, because I was hundreds and hundreds of miles away... So you can see why I was so bitter when I left.
I can remember walking to work in the mornings, and crossing the parking lot, and looking up at the BIG RED PLANET which was our store sign, and feeling my heart fill with pride...
In passing the store on my way to work a few days ago, I saw big green "Store Closing" signs up... You would think I woudl LOVE it... But I cried. I cried hard... BOY, am I sucker or what???
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .