Date: 11/8/2002 9:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 27678
We the people disappeared YEARS ago - and most of us could care less, Firstborn. Now GW is emperor of the world, and the world's people care, however. Americans never cease to amaze me - we witness horrible atrocities committed by our own government not only against the world, but against our own people and until 9/11 occurred we simply looked the other way - but that event was so horrendous and with the age of technology - branded into people's brains, that we now have GIVEN our government all that they need to continue to commit atrocities against the world, and our fellow citizens, in the name of FREEDOM? Defies logic. But the Bible warns us about this in the passages that relate to us how the day would come that people would not listen to reasonableness, but would let their emotions dictate their actions, to the detriment of God's people - they kill you and think they do God a justice, remember? There is no USA, no Constitution, and certainly no freedom - it's only going to get worse, and many, many will fall. You know this. I know this. And many other people around the world know this. But there is hope - the return of Jesus Christ is imminent, and provided we can withstand, or some get some kind of rapture, Isaiah says we will be "feeble and weak," but alive. So, keep telling them, FB, and telling them, and telling them. People need to know that things are not what they seem, and nothing is black and white.  |
Date: 11/8/2002 9:40:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 16671
Your so right freegirl, just handed them what they wanted all along on a big old silver platter. YEP defies Logic. yes I remember that which the bible tells us and yes freegirl I will keep telling them as well as I know you will and haddam as well as many more here on usm. You figure that eventually after ALL we tell them that God has told us, DOES come to pass, and is passing as we speak that they would eventaully figure out WE havent been lying to them about Jesus or the word of GOD. Ya know I told them BEfore 911 that something like that was going to happen here in this country, everyone says NO NO NO, cant happen! Its sad.  |
Date: 11/8/2002 9:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 9130
This whole thing is so confusing to me...  |
Date: 11/8/2002 9:53:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 16671
The post dizzy or what is happening today that is in line with end time prophecy from God? I'll answer any questions I can for you, and if I cant which is LOTS of times, I can send you to those that can.  |
Date: 11/8/2002 10:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 61901
Amen Sisters! It is only a short time before God removes the Holy Spirit from this world. Then all manner of evil shall plague this world.. RangerX  |
Date: 11/8/2002 10:37:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 16671
RangerX, yes, you know it. Its getting closer everyday, even so, Lord Jesus come.  |
Date: 11/9/2002 12:21:00 AM
From Authorid: 55967
Puleeaase. ~GypsyHawk~  |
Date: 11/9/2002 8:30:00 AM
From Authorid: 22852
FB.. Most excellent post and sadly very true. Now I am not a religious person by nature (Meaning I follow no particular religion) but I believe in God in my heart and try to live my life the best that I can. Our president has opened the "gates of hell" with his mouth and power and I fear not for myself but for my children and grandchildren that may never be. Good Post, Love ya Joan {aka}  |
Date: 11/9/2002 8:40:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 16671
Gypsy Hawk, let us NOT knock what we apparently know nothing about. Storm chaser:: Thank you Joan, and ya know this of course bothers me at times knowing that when all this happens the kids the grandkids wont get or may not get the chance of life as we have had. But then I think about what is going to go on and Knowing that they all believe in Jesus, feel like perhaps were all better off safe in his arms. I call myself a non-denominational, but actually just a child of the Living God . There is NO set way, religion is one thing, belief is BETTER. Hugs.  |
Date: 11/9/2002 5:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 27678
Do not despair. God is so very kind and merciful and we must hope that people's hearts are pricked and they return to the principles of our Heavenly Father; that is, love, honor, kindness and mercy. And Ranger X, you are right - seek God while He be found.  |
Date: 11/10/2002 11:41:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 16671
Amen freegirl.  |
Date: 7/17/2005 8:10:00 AM
From Authorid: 61901
WoW Firstborn, I bookmarked this page in 02 and I forgot it. So, here I am again! in 05. Still a Great post.  |