I have had this book for a long time and i thought to share some of it with you and would like your feed back on it okay.
Ragweed tea will cure th' flux. Tea made frum hot water an' corn silk willcure bed wettin' in young'uns. Th' root of rhubarb, worn on a string 'round th' neck, will keep off bellyache. Tie a big red onion to th' bedpost an' it keeps th' ones in th' bed frum havin' cold.
-I realy did get this out of a book, but dont try this stuff okay its just funny stuff that i thought you would like.
if yore nose itches, if yore nose iches, Sumbody cumin' with a hole in his britches.
If you drinks three times in three minutes frum any Ozark spring, you'll cum back fer 'nother drink 'fore you die.
A girl's shoe comin' untied or her stokin' comin down means her boy friend is thinkin' of her.
A whistlin' woman an' crowin' hen are shore to cum to sum bad end.
If a cow shuld lose her cud' give her a rag to chew on. Happy is th' bride th' sun shines on. If a sunrise is red, this means rain. Rain 'fore seven, shine 'fore eleven.
Marry in red You'll wish yerself dead.
Marry in black You'll wish yerself back.
Marry in brown You'll live in town.
Marry in yeller You'll be shamed of yore feller.
Marry in green You'll be shamed to be seen.
Marry in blue You'll always be true.
Marry in white You'll always do right.
well if you all like that just tell me and i will put some more in fore ye okay, casperBOO You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54975 ( Click here )
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