you think your the only one with two sides i'm a pentagon just holding it all inside you think your the only one that bottles it up i forgot what it felt like to give it up your the only one capable of this your not but you became a slave to this
chorus i control the demons inside you let them take over set it aside i keep it all hidden down you explode you let us all down i tried to give you comfort but i have to sympathy i have no reason to feel sorry for your incapacity
its over now but i know you still feel the hate i have it deep inside of me, i feel it everyday your not the only one with these thoughts of destruction but im not sorry for your pity shouts and blurred reflection your reality view shifted and torn you wont listen to reason, i'm also forlorn you lost what you never knew you had till it was gone i picked up my own pieces and put it back together with new insanity comes my new dawn but i never let it show, now keep yourself together
chorus i control the demons inside you let them take over set it aside i keep it all hidden down you explode you let us all down i tried to give you comfort but i have to sympathy i have no reason to feel sorry for your incapacity You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52679 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .