My best friend and I went on a class trip and on the bus ride back some of the populars were playing truth or dare. Anyway, her crush was dared to kiss her on the cheek. He did and it went straight to her head. Later, we were all talking about it and I said, "oh, you know you enjoyed it" and then she slapped me right across the face! I was red hot, I almost slapped her right back, something stopped me, and we didn't talk for a couple days. Later I apologized cuz I told some people something about her that made her mad. And I said that I wanted an apology for hitting me. She said she wasn't sorry and that I deserved to be hit. I told her she deserved to be told what I told her. She was just getting a little to erogent for me and I was sick of hearing about it. We agreed to disagree and moved on. Then joking around, I told this boy that she had just said she liked him but she meant she thought he was nice. I told the boy and she slapped me again. I went up to her in the hall a little later and gently pushed my hand across her cheek, not slapping her but showing her what it felt like and I said I still owed her a good slap. Now we're nuetral, friendly but not friends and I don't know what to do. I never thought a boy would come between us, but I never thought she'd slap me either. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 59573 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .