These muted lanes are forsaken, With merely a porch light gleaming. Gently, like a quiescent body;
With one ashen, flickering bulb, The porch flickers out, and a scream echoes On suicides, and blissful drugs.
Disaster is if I prick my finger, But jesting is if I fall and die. Ironic conceit in these riverways.
How sad it is that we must resort to that Belittling ourselves with temporary avenues. I will not walk that path.
In the accord of my eye, The man in that house gives a bag; The shadowed victim trades sums of bills.
I run home, in a state of shock. I want to go home, and visit my girlfriend. Her voice was tender, and made you alive.
Too bad everything is gone, And I am living in this fantasy world. For my bedroom door only leads back to darkness.
This is not me; I know it is not me. But every night when I walk, I sadly know that is what they are.
This is the route to my job, And I really want to help them, But helping them means ignoring.
All I can do these days Is to continue to walk past them Even if tears stream from my face…
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .