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USM ever changing: RECENT CHANGES: good or bad?

  Author:  15675  Category:(Debate) Created:(10/30/2002 7:12:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1095 times)

Come on everyone lets stay civilized now. Please this isnt a rant post but I would really like to know what you all think on the following recent changes at USM (well recent since I've been here anyways :p): the 'new' homepage, the deletions of posts or comments that so seemed to have nothing wrong with them, the $5 non sponsired new member fee, and the not allowing of esp, dream, or tarot readings in the ESP section. Now please I understand the admins had good reasoning for at least a few of those things: they delete post because they feel they dont meet the guidlines in someway (I dont know because its not always my post lol), the made the new homepage because people wanted it to be the way it used to but honestly this is just a nusance, the $5 non sponsired member fee was made so bad people would stay out, and the not allowing of readings in the ESP section was made because of duplicate posting. But heres my views (feel free to argue :p): The new homepage is just a honest to god bother. I'm always having to go find the 'all' tab so i dont miss out on stories, the deletions of stories and posts that had nothing wrong with them that I could see (no curse words, lude topics, wrong catagory, to short content, duplicate posting etc...) is just plain unfair and way to controlling, the $5 non sponsered member fee for new members is yes a good way to keep out baddies but what about the people who just dont have the way, beliefs, or ability to do this? the good, just surfed in people? Its a double standard in my mind and keeps out a lot of goodies (if I seen a site that wanted me to pay, I wouldnt join, also this goes for teens with out credit cards, people just not trusting, etc...) And the one that kinda made me upset: no readings in the ESP section. Okay duplicate posting is a nuisance, but when a person is doing readings they dont post twice in a day, or sometimes it takes them 2 weeks before they do more readings. Usually the wording and what is asked by the readers is differnt each or every other time (like a reader could say 'no love questions tonight' etc...) Lots of USMers loved these post and found them very helpful and speedy yet they are no longer alowwed and admins recommend to do them on a 'chat service.' Not every usmer has the same chat service :p. Yes their are ways around all these problems, changes whatever you wish to call them but that creates more changes/problems. Whats all your peoples opinions cuz I'd really like to know?

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Date: 10/30/2002 7:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 45630    I'm not really worried. I mean it doesn't bother me until someone gets all in my face about it!  
Date: 10/30/2002 7:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    These things dont bother me a bit... I see it like this, with the New homepage- you can fix it by going to your profile and taking a category off your homepage, and click submit, therefore making the new homepage only seen if you want to see it, but you have access to ALL the stories that way too. The $5 fee, also has the sponsorship which was put into effect to help the current member s get family on here. And the readings, I dont get into personally, but I dont have to check the stories and read every reply either.. So either way that doesnt bother me either I do wish peeps would just enjoy the site, instead of always picking it apart, ya know?   
Date: 10/30/2002 7:31:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    U know I still havent figured out how to make the page go away though people have told me how 100's of times lol! I'm not picking it apart these things just bug me and I wanted to know of I'm the only one lol apparently so far I am  
Date: 10/30/2002 7:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 36704    The deletions get out of hand and that's annoying but the rest doesn't bother me, the only problem I have with the new layout is when I go to all posts and read through the page when I hit the next page button it takes me back to just the stories from the mainpage, it would be easier if they went to all the stories like it did before  
Date: 10/30/2002 7:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 28336    the new homepage really got to me until someone told me how to fix it.....  
Date: 10/30/2002 7:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    Just go to your profile, and click the little box beside one of the mysterious' categories then hit submit... And Voila   
Date: 10/30/2002 7:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 32763    look, hate to sound rude but the honest to goodness truth is.....it's not your site. you don't pay every month to keep it going. if you don't like it....don't come around as much. find a site that does fit your needs. that's what i have done...cause the truth is....this place doesn't suit my needs like it used to. really rather boring and uptight anymore. sure, i still check things out and post every now and then....but don't hang around as much as i used to. not my site....i have no way of changing anything so i choose to keep quite about my grips with it and move on. think of it this way.....if you had a friend that was always getting on your nerves....wouldn't you stop hanging around them so much and get out and make new friends? oh and you better read fast....i wouldn't be surprised if this comment went bye bye. two options here.....1. either deal with it and go with the flow.....or 2. find something else. why waste so much energy on a silly site and how "unfair" everything is? don't you have anything exciting going on in your real life? just giving an honest opinion here. or opps....am i still allowed to do that?  
Date: 10/30/2002 7:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    babie bec I did find a new site (http://witch.conforums.com diana's lovely site :-p) but I mean I luv USM and I hate oh hate seeing it go this way. I know I'm not an admin, wish I was lol. I figure I can sit back and watch my beloved site go bye bye, or at least try and ask what other people think (i.e. this post) lol  
Date: 10/30/2002 8:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    ...some things I don't like at all...nor do I like seeing people who voice their opinion being called rude, ungrateful and told to 'Love it or Leave it'...often the people who are voicing their concerns are those who have been here for over 2 years or more, and could well be seen as those who helped in some way form USM with their input, so in my eyes would have in a way EARNT the right to speak...yet they are called rude, ungrateful and sometimes not welcome. But the bottom line is I don't own this site...nor do I pay for it...and I can surf on out if I choose to...so no big thing really. Peace,  
Date: 10/30/2002 8:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 1631    Well stated, Agent Smith...  
Date: 10/30/2002 8:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 32763    yeah, i know.....it's a shame that so many people see problems with this site. but how many posts like this have we seen? when are people going to realize that nothing is going to change unless the owners of this site think a change needs to be made. and from the looks of it....they are making the changes they think need to be made. truth is, it really does no good to post things like this....it falls on deaf ears. and no offense to any of the admins...like i said in my other comment....not my site...and it really doesn't matter to me what they do. ya know, sometimes it's best to step back and not make this site so important in your life! i mean, it's not like any of us will die if this site does go bye bye. and yes, i would miss it if it did end...but i wouldn't die. ya know how they say...everything changes, nothing ever stays the same? well, that's even true for USM. ya know how everyone has that one time in their life how they look back and think that was the best times of their lives? well, maybe USM falls into that category. maybe you have seen the better days of USM and now it is a memory. and maybe some people have yet to see the "golden days" of USM. maybe there are a lot of people that love it now and think it is the best it has ever been? who knows.  
Date: 10/30/2002 8:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 59418    the only thing that i find a bit irritating is that i always have to click on the all tab so i dont miss any stories...nice post metal princess  
Date: 10/30/2002 9:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 53360    I agree, it is abit annoying to have to click on the "all posts" to be able to read everything, and I am so glad I joined before they started the $5 thingy, cause I plain and simple couldnt have afforded it. I know, its only $5 but, that could be used as gas money ect...and I dont think it keeps "bad guys" out, if the "bad guys" want in bad anough, whats $5 to them? It may keep some at bay, but not all. As far as everything else...I really have not had a problem with.  
Date: 10/31/2002 2:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 47699    My honest opinion is that if you don't like this site for whatever reason, there are others.  
Date: 10/31/2002 2:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 47865    Babie Bec, although what you say about the site owners making the changes they see neccessary is true, surely it's helpful to them ot have the views of their members, ans it's equally helpful to us to have the views of each other.
Personal gripes: The arbitry and seemingly unaccountable way the admins decide things, and the cliquiness. I might be unhappy with those things but that isn't enough for me to up and leave because I know wherever I go there'll always be something not quite 100%.
So I stay and when someone asks what's right or wrong with USM I chuck my tuppence-worth in.
I know it's not my site, I know it's not my money running it but I can sure as hell voice my opinions on it. Best wishes
Date: 10/31/2002 7:14:00 AM  From Authorid: 20104    I have been on here for almost 2 years now and this place has changed a lot. There is one new rule I hate. It is the 2 post per hour thing. I think that is stupid. It is also untrue. I tried to post something on here after I had already posted 2 thing and it had been about and hour and a half since the first on and it wouldnt let me. I tried for another hour every 10 minutes or so and it finally let me after 2 and a half hours. I dont like the fact that there are delete happy admins on here. Some people dont know how to handle power and abuse it. I also think the 5 dollor thing is stupid. I wanted my sister to come on, but she doesnt want to pay 5 dollars cause she really doesnt have it to spare and I dont blame her. I dont like that you have to pay to go on a web site, but hey, Im not in charge. I have no idea how much it costs the people in charge. So they do have a right to do what they feel necessary. Sorry for babbling on so long.   
Date: 10/31/2002 8:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    I'm another one who doesn't like being told "love it or leave it" by some 14 year old who has been here all of 6 months. But I've also learned that it is absolutely worthless to critisize and in fact it's amazing this post hasn't been deleted. Franks right there are other sites, and that's where I spend most of my time these days.  
Date: 10/31/2002 11:04:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    Jamie J I forgot bout that! Yeah I hate that too! the thing i mhate most is everyone saying 'not your site, dont speak, find somewhere else to go.' Sure the good days for USM maybe in my past but what about all the newbies who never got the experince? Its worth a try to state how I feel just so someone, anyone knows. And i did find another place but i miss USM  
Date: 10/31/2002 8:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 16538    Consider this constructive critiscm......1/3 as good as it used to be.  
Date: 11/1/2002 9:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 23037    well i think the five dollar fee was bad . i have alot of friends that just sisnt like that and stayed away . but i guess theres a reason...  
Date: 11/1/2002 11:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 34814    I had a post similiar to this.. that I was told wasn't a debate and cause I disagreed with someone. Got on their nerves LOL It was deleted while I was outta town. Probably a matter of time before this is deleted. Good Luck. On any change it isn't gonna happen!  

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