Don't you just hate Chronos? the Roman god of time? I hate him because he's playin with me or something. Everytime when I do my homework at lunch or in the morning, time goes by SOOOO fast. I mean, I just went from my locker to my class and when I sat down, like ten minutes have passed. I'm like WHAT? and in socials class, it's so boring that the stupid teacher Mr. Game is yapping about something and we're taking notes on the board. When we've copied two pages of notes, only five minutes have passed. it's pathetic. I hate Mr. Game, that social teacher's writing is so messy, and you never know when you're suppose to copying anything down or when the assignment is due. Sometimes he just talks about ancient countries and write ONE word on the board that's TOTOALLY irrelevant. Like for example, He'd be talking about how gladiator fight in the colleseum in Rome, and suddenly he'd write "fights" on the board. and that's it. just one word. And then at the end, theres' like ten completely different words on the board, and he's like "copy this down." that's so stupid..Oh man, was I talking about Mr. Game or Chronos? I guess they're related cause they're both obsessed with Rome. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15904 ( Click here )
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